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evilfusion RL Heraldic Rank-Up


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Okay, so I've been developing this Deck in RL for a while now, since it's a really fun Deck with a lot of cool plays and options. After seeing the Heraldic Beast Deck idea using Chain Dog and focusing on the Beast-Type Heraldic Beasts, I decided to give that idea a spin, and recently managed to actually get my hands on Chain Dogs.


I'm admittedly a huge fan of Rank-Up Magics in Heraldic Beasts, since most of the best Rank-Up Number Cs are Rank 5s, and Heraldics can churn out Rank 4s like nothing.


Feel free to suggest some changes, including changes to make when the new banlist occurs, although I don't think this Deck will really be affected by it, if at all.


Remember, this is a RL Deck, and I try to never spend more than a maximum of $10 for a single card, so the pricey Rank 4s like Diamond Dire and Lavalval Chain are out of my price range.


Monsters: 17


[3] Heraldic Beast Leo

[2] Heraldic Beast Eale

[2] Heraldic Beast Basilisk

[2] Heraldic Beast Unicorn

[2] Heraldic Beast Twin-Headed Eagle

[2] Chain Dog

[2] Kagetokage

[2] Summoner Monk


Spells: 17


[1] Monster Reborn

[1] Dark Hole

[1] Heavy Storm

[3] MST

[3] Heraldry Reborn

[3] Advanced Heraldry Art

[1] Pot of Avarice

[1] Foolish Burial

[2] Rank-Up Magic Limited Barian's Force

[1] Rank-Up Magic Numeron Force


Traps: 6


[3] Call of the Haunted

[1] Torrential Tribute

[2] Phoenix Wing Wind Blast


Extra Deck: 15


[1] Photon Papilloperative

[1] King of the Feral Imps

[1] Lightning Chidori

[1] Number 8: Heraldic King Genom-Heritage

[1] Number 44: Sky Pegasus

[2] Number 39: Utopia

[1] Number 16: Shock Master

[1] Number 91: Thunder Spark Dragon

[1] Number 32: Shark Drake

[1] Number 69: God Medallion - Coat of Arms (because I said this is its name)

[1] Number 104: Masquerade

[1] Number C39 - Utopia Ray V

[1] Number C39 - Utopia Ray Victory

[1] Number C104 - Umbral Horror Masquerade


Now then, I may as well give a short explanation for some of my card choices that I know are a bit strange.


1) One copy each of the Rank-Up Magics


This is strictly for testing purposes, to see which ones work well, and which ones don't. I have 2 copies of Limited Barian's Force, but only 1 of the other 2. Depending on testing, I plan to swap out either Barian's or Numeron for the second Limited Barian, or cut one of them altogether, and if it REALLY tests bad, using only 2 copies of Limited.


2) Lightning Chidori in the Extra Deck, only 2 WIND monsters


This is leftover from my first Heraldic Beast build, which ran 3 Aberconway. I scrapped the Aberconways to make room for the other Heraldic Beasts, but kept Chidori because I still CAN Summon it, especially with Leo fetching the cards I want, and didn't think of a good replacement for it otherwise.


3) V Salamander? Really?


Tech choice. Haven't found it useful or bad yet. Will probably remove it soon. It's kind of easy to notice that this Deck originally focused on Utopia Rank-Up.


4) Only 2 Chain Dogs? Only 2 Kagetokage?


The two Chain Dogs is super deliberate. 3 clogs, and without Lavalval Chain, I don't have a reliable method of sending one to the Graveyard other than Foolish Burial and Summoner Monk, and 2 is more than sufficient most of the time. I only have 2 Kagetokage, but they've been enough so far.


5) No Solemns?


I have very limited copies of Warning and Judgment, and Warning is in my Galaxy Deck. I could probably use another copy of Torrential, but am a bit too lazy to find it.

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I liked the engine when I saw you use it. It's definitely better than my previous Heraldic Build.


Sadly, Emeral is also going for like $20, so it's also out of price range. Though I definitely see how it'd be good, as so far, just my casual testing has the Deck typically go through like 6+ Xyz extremely quickly.


Currently believing that Barian's Force is worse than both Numeron Force and Limited Barian (how ironic), especially since C104 and C39- Victory don't really care if they're not using the correct Xyz, and the Number Cs rarely use all their Xyz Materials, so stealing Xyz Materials is both conditional and unnecessary.


Sky Pegasus is underrated. Seriously, the thing is cruel in this Deck, just because this Deck can dish out so much damage, making 1000 LP a risk. And then Coat of Arms shows up and does it again. Plus Beast-Type.


V Salamander hasn't done anything. I almost never draw it, and don't need it by the time I do.

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also, Gagaga Cowboy is getting a reprint in the Blaster tin.  So if you get that tin, Cowboy will be a good addition to the Extra Deck.  I'm also guessing that you don't have Number 57 either?  After all, having a Number 57 on the field would allow you to lock down the moves your opponent can do as well as copy huge monsters for a reversal.


-1 V Salamander

+1 CotH if you have a 3rd one lying around.

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It is? YAY! That thing is stupidly expensive.


I do have Number 57. I have all of the TCG Numbers, except for 74, 40, 88, 50, and obviously, 11. I just don't think 57 is that good.


Good enough change for me.


- Barian's Force

+Limited Barian's Force

- V Salamander

+ Call of the Haunted

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Reason why I say to consider 57 is that you have Twin-Eagle, and the ability to use its effect five times mid-late game in the Deck can be absolutely devastating against builds with a proportionate Monster/Spell & Trap ratio, especially if you use it while your opponent has their biggest monster that they can produce out.


For purposes of testing:


-1 Number 91: Thunder Spark Dragon

+1 Number 57: Tri-head Dust Dragon.

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Well, Number Wall is more like a gimmick card, however, I was tempted to tech it despite knowing this, and was rather amused by the result. Number 57 is also testing okay so far. It mocked Tachyon Dragon, then wept when Photon Dragon showed up. Then I used Number Wall and put it in DEF.


I'll just use it as a lulz RL tech, since most of my RL opponents don't have Numbers (or at least not many of them). Numbers aren't quite that rare on DN or anywhere else, though.

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