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[CF!V] Twin Swords of Justice and Injustice (Dimensional Robo's)

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Grade 0: (17)

1 Dimensional Robo Goyusha (SV)

4 Dimensional Robo Daicrane (D)

4 Dimensional Robo Daibattles (C)

4 Dimensional Robo Goflight (S)

4 Dimensional Robo Gorescue (H)


Grade 1: (18)

2 Dimensional Robo, Daicannon

4 Dimensional Robo,Daishield.

4 Dimensional Robo Daimariner

4 Dimensional Robo, Dailander

4 Dimensional Robo,Daitiger


Grade 2: (13)

4 Dimensional Robo, Kaizard

4 Dimensional Robo, Daidragon

3 Dimensional Robo, Daidriller

2 Dimensional Robo Daifighter.


Grade 3: (2)

1 Super Dimensional Robo, Daiyusha

1 Dark Dimensional Robo 'Reverse' Daiyusha.


So the idea is to use Goyusha's ability to put Daiyusha onto the board as quickly as possible, then putting early pressure through that, using Daidriller and Dailander to hit early crit numbers, combing with Magnum for massive early game pressure, hopefully pinning them at 3 damage to prevent Break Rides and the like.


Reverse Daiyusha is there for added stability, meaning that an unlucky Damage check doesn't take me out of the game straight away, as well as to act as a finisher if I need to to, and to ease up guarding if needs be.



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