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[CFV] Graduation Party Madness

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So, another batch of GN spoilers, and they get some interesting stuffs. Updating thise again..




1 Blackboard Ohm(SFV)

4 Ruler Chameleon(CRIT)
4 Eraser Alpaca(STND)
4 Alarm Chicken(STND)
4 Dictionary Goat(HEAL)

4 Cable Sheep
4 Coiling Duckbill
4 Wash-up Racoon/Tictoc Flamingo
3 Stamp Sea Otter

4 Binoculus Tiger
3 Geograph Giant
3 Compass Lion

2 School Punisher, Leo-Pald "REVERSE"

2 School Hunter, Leo-Pald
4 Honorary Professor, Chatnoir


Starter: Draws, and such. Didn't use telescope mainly because it kinda sucks if you Double Chatnoir.


Triggers: Chatnoir Abuse. Might swap the ratio for 6Stand6Draw after testing, mainly to survive LJ's stalling.


G1 lineup: 4 staple PGs, Duckbill is pro card to wash a retire, Wash-up Otter is a better Hammsuke, and it recycles the essential cards of the deck. Stamp Otter is there for free +1s from chat's breakride. Tank Mouse is used for Reverse.


G2 lineup: Binoculus is super staple, Geograph is a solid ride and attacker, and Leo is there for an alternate retire outlet.


G3 lineup: Chatnoir is too broken to not use, Reverse is a godly vanguard against anything not named Chaos Breaker Dragon, and Hunter Leo is there for the option to Crossride, and most importantly, to help against the Chaos Breaker matchup.


Deck's goal:

1.Push into lategame ASAP

2. Breakride over chatnoir with chatnoir

3. Make overpowered columns

4. Get plusses

5. repeat 2 with Leo reverse

6. Make even more overpowered columns

7. Get more plusses

8. ???

9. Profit!!




-Deck's able to have a ridiculous amount of cards in hand. 

-Strong mid-late game

-Powerful maintainable late game pushes.

-Quite consistent

-Still can do something without the breakride




-Quite messy power distribution at times

-Fragile deck pre set-up (not quite, but lack of retire outlet/ rearguard hurts)

-Aqua Force

-Chaos Breaker Dragon



Yeah, most of the deck's original weakness are gone with Leopald R. But it became weak to LJ. Sea otter and Leopald fixed that problem though. Leopald's LB is triggered by CBD after all. 

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1. Should I run Hammsuke for more plusses? If i do, which grades should I run and what should I remove?

Personally I wouldn't play Hammsuke but it could be a nice tech if you want to play something like 3 Duckbill and 3 of it so you can plus a lot. You should only play the Grade 1 though, the others are too weak to be favorable.

2. Is 8CRIT8STAND build good?

8 Crit 4 Stand is good, you don't wanna go balls in with 8/8 though because we are talking about Great Nature still.

3. Is there any other questions I should ask?

Nope. It's a pretty solid build.
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