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Cuz Bloo-D is a bawse.


Monsters: 18


2: Destiny Hero Plasma

2: Destiny Hero Malicious

1: Gorz The Emissary of Darkness 

1: Dark Armed Dragon


2: Destiny Hero Diamond Dude

2: Thunder King Rai-Oh

2: Effect Veiler

2: Krebonz

1: Elemental Hero Stratos

1: Psychic Commander

1: Plagespreader Zombie

1: Mystic Tomato


Spells: 16


3: Destiny Draw

2: Mystical Space Typhoon

2: Forbidden Lance

2: Emergency Teleport

2: Scapegoats

1: Allure of Darkness

1: Heavy Storm

1: Monster Reborn

1: Dark Hole

1: Reinforcement of the Army


Traps: 6


2: Compulsory Evacuation Device

2: Bottomless Trap Hole

1: Solemn Judgment

1: Solemn Warning

1: Mirror Force


Extra: 15


Generic Stuff. 

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Torrential over bth Also why 1 gorz


I really don;t want to TT my field after I've already set to board control. Right now I see TT as a card that is only ever useful when you're losing. While BTH can be used to deal with problems while still allowing to keep the board in your favor.


Gorz was just a toss in since I had room. I might add a 2nd and just run the deck at 41. 

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Traps: 6


2: Compulsory Evacuation Device

2: Bottomless Trap Hole

1: Solemn Judgment

1: Solemn Warning

1: Mirror Force


Your counting's a bit off on that one...


This also means you're playing 41.


I would make Gorz just a toss, it's a game winner in it's own right, plus it's a DARK for DAD and you can make a level 8 with Veiler.


IMO, -1 Mirror Force, +1 Gorz and just play 41 cards.

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