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Honestly it's the most fun I've had ever playing Yugioh.



2 Red Gadget

2 Green Gadget

2 Yellow Gadget

3 Tin Goldfish

3 Kagetokage

3 Redox, Dragon Ruler of Boulders

2 Machina Gearframe

2 Machina Fortress

2 Swift Scarecrow

2 Masked Chameleon



2 Forbidden Lance

1 Book of Moon

1 Monster Reborn

1 Heavy Storm



2 Compulsory Evacuation Device

2 Fiendish Chain

2 Mirror Force

2 Bottomless Trap Hole

2 Torrential Tribute

1 Solemn Warning

1 Solemn Judgment

1 Ultimate Offering



1 Ally of Justice Catastor

1 Naturia Beast

1 Crimson Blader

1 Stardust Dragon

1 King of the Feral Imps

1 Gear Gigant X

1 Gagaga Cowboy

1 Diamond Dire Wolf

1 Daigusto Emeral

1 Photon Papilloperative

1 Number 39 : Utopia

1 Maestroke the Symphony Djinn

1 Number 16 : Shock Master

1 Abyss Dweller

1 Number 11 : Big Eye



2 Effect Veiler

2 Maxx "C"

2 Mystical Space Typhoon

2 Fossil Dyna Pachycephalo

2 Mind Crush

2 Droll and Lock Bird

2 Banisher of the Radiance

1 Reptilliane Vaskii


Honestly I'm very happy how the deck runs and I'm VERY tight on space so I don't expect many changs to be made but if you can suggest a change with sound reasoning I'll test it.


My best matchups are Evilswarm and Constellar, assuming I don't draw dreadful I should win all my matches against them, Dragons are about 50/50, I tend to lose to Prophecy, Bujin is almost a guaranteed win if I win the die roll and a guaranteed loss if I go first, Mermails is about 60/40 in my favour. The banlist literally doesn't touch me, it gives me a 3rd Mirror force which I may or may not play, I'll probably try and make room for 2 MST and the Dark Hole next format too, tempted to cut Compulses.

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Use Crazy Box+EEV for prophecy. Blader+Radiance should take care of dragons. You can try Macro Cosmos as opposed to Radiance since Radiance eats your NS). You should pay the 3rd mirror force, it's a godsend against bujin. Anyway, the deck's good. Nothing significant needs to be changed, but side and extra might need tweaking(weak sides for bujins and mermails.) Also, you should test against both Fire Fist builds. That's all for now.

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Use Crazy Box+EEV for prophecy. Blader+Radiance should take care of dragons. You can try Macro Cosmos as opposed to Radiance since Radiance eats your NS). You should pay the 3rd mirror force, it's a godsend against bujin. Anyway, the deck's good. Nothing significant needs to be changed, but side and extra might need tweaking(weak sides for bujins and mermails.) Also, you should test against both Fire Fist builds. That's all for now.


I was seriously considering Crazy Box + EEV but seeing as I couldn't seem to find a Crazy Box or EEVs I decided to pass on it and anyway I'm so tight on Extra Space I really couldn't find anything to cut for the Crazy Box. Blader against Dragons is really good and I side in Veilers just to go for it more easily. Dyna is good also. The issue with Macro is that it actually hurts me as well whereas with Banisher I can actually inflict damage without having to banish any of my stuff. I'll definitely try and make room for the 3rd Mirror but I wouldn't know what so cut, I'll decide on that depending on what decks are good next format. Mind Crush is incredible in the extra for both Bujin and Mermail but I think I'll try and make room for Smashing Grounds as they're really good at dealing with Yamato without having to worry about Turtle. I haven't been able to test against either of the decks but I'll be sure to do it before next format.


Thanks for your comments!

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