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Mono-Mermails Based On The Possible New List

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I'm a complete Mermail Noob... While I know how to play against and beat the deck, I actually have no idea how to play it myself. So feel free to rip it apart and tell me how bad it is.


But while doing that, please suggest changes and why I should make them (be more specific then "because it's good" since I actually what to learn how to play the deck well) 


Monsters: 22


3: Mermail Abyssmegalo

1: Mermail Abyssleed

1: Mermail Abyssteus


3: Mermail Abysspike

2: Mermail Abysslinde

2: Mermail Abyssgunde


3: Atlantean Dragoons

3: Atlantean Marksman

2: Atlantean Heavy Infantry 

2: Deep Sea Diva


Spells: 10


3: Mystical Space Typhoon

1: Abyss-Scale of the Mizuchi

1: Forbidden Lance

1: Heavy Storm

1: Dark Hole

1: Monster Reborn

1: Pot of Avarice

1: Salvage


Traps: 8


2: Breakthrough Skill

2: Bottomless Trap Hole

1: Solemn Judgment

1: Solemn Warning

1: Abyss - Sphere

1: Abyss - Squall


Extra: 15


2: Mermail Gaioabyss

1: Number 11: Big Eye

1: Number 74: Master of Blades

1: Maestroke the Symphony Djinn

1: Abyss Dweller

1: Number 17: Leviathan Dragon

1: Leviair the Sea Dragon

1: Wind Up Zenmaines

1: Gachi Gachi

1: Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier

1: Gungnir, Dragon of thr Ice Barrier

1: Black Rose Dragon

1: Armades, Keeper of Illusions

1: Ally of Justice, Catastor 


It has been testing well on Devpro but I'm sure it can be a lot better.

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I think 3 Megalo is now essential now that you're down on Teus, you also always want to be running 3 Diva, that card is so great to get your advantage up. Megalo is also good to get to your one Sphere.


-2 Lance

+1 Megalo

+1 Diva


Diva's not at 2 in the new banlist is it? If it is I'm silly.

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I saw ivanrossitto use mermail in new format so i asked for his build in watchers chat and he gave me this I.imgur.com/iAJu9mR.png


Thanks, I'll try it out. 

I think 3 Megalo is now essential now that you're down on Teus, you also always want to be running 3 Diva, that card is so great to get your advantage up. Megalo is also good to get to your one Sphere.


-2 Lance

+1 Megalo

+1 Diva


Diva's not at 2 in the new banlist is it? If it is I'm silly.


I really like lance in the build, but I can understand your reasoning for dropping them in favor of Diva and Megalo. Will test.

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