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Trying to make Traptrix work!


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So YCM, I have been messing around with this new archetype, the "Traptrix", for a few hours now (A lot of testing right?). Its weird, I can't really make a solid build out of them. I re-did the deck twice now and I'd like to know what you guys think I should add/change or re-vamp.

So, here we go.


Version 1





Rank 4 based, the only spectacular play in this build is probably summoner monk into Myrmeleo to pop some backrow, but I wasn't satisfied with it. I have used Veiler to synchro into Armades or Catastor a few times to save me.



Version 2







This build is more focused on redox plays and grandsoil because the "Traptrix" are all earth type. I sorta like this build a bit better, but I'm still on the fence about it. As with the first build, ignore the side deck.


So would you guys mind taking a look and giving me any ideas or tips? Thanks.

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