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[Supposed New List] Agents


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Okay so I am going to casually bump this deck up.


Through my testing so far, I have come to realize that Xyz Encore isn't that great in the main deck and should go to the side so I can bring it in against Evilswarm to deal with Ophion, which was its main purpose. So I am going to be switching that with Veiler, because that card has helped me a lot when I side it in, so might as well main deck it. I also am going to add another Gorz to make the deck 41 cards. There are so many times where Gorz would save me that I feel 2 is necessary.


So give me some feedback on the new list.

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If this isnt irl you want to use transmodify


This is going to be IRL so yeah.


I'd play 1 Rush Rhino unless you want your head kicked in by Thunder King. Possibly cut the random Bottomless for it? Also I'd rather run Lances over the MSTs and side the MSTs.


Alright sounds like a good idea on the Rush Rhino. I will also play the Lances as well.


So these are the changes:


-1 Bottomless

-2 MST


+1 Rush Rhino

+2 Forbidden Lance

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