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High Time For An Upgrade Pt. 1: Junk Doppel

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Do you know about the 3 card quasar Also for extra not every synchro has to be a warrior So you can take out 1 junj warrior, 1 turbo warrior, 1 chevalier For armory arm since you have no lv 4, mist wurm since no lv 9 and vulcam the divine since it can do some cool plays with your monsters and call Also you should main 2 lance, you could take away 1 mst and something, ill suggest somethimg when you answer, my first question Lance is like mst but can ne better since you dont blind mst on your opponents tt or compuls and instead you lance them

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Do you know about the 3 card quasar Also for extra not every synchro has to be a warrior So you can take out 1 junj warrior, 1 turbo warrior, 1 chevalier For armory arm since you have no lv 4, mist wurm since no lv 9 and vulcam the divine since it can do some cool plays with your monsters and call Also you should main 2 lance, you could take away 1 mst and something, ill suggest somethimg when you answer, my first question Lance is like mst but can ne better since you dont blind mst on your opponents tt or compuls and instead you lance them

I sadly do not know what a "3-card Quasar" is, but I am having a hard time reading your post because it isn't in proper English.

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Well its hard typing on a tablet Hand level eater, quickdraw, synchron explorer Discard level eater summon quickdraw synchron, summon level eater by reducing quickdraw to 4, synchro junk warrior. Normal summon synchro explorer special summon quickdraw synchron, level eater junk warrior so its lv 4 now, synchro with level eater, quickdraw and synchron explorer to summon road warrior. Road warrior effect summon unknown synchro, level eater road warrior so its level 7. Synchro formula with unknown and level eater, draw 1. Level eater road warrior once more so its level 6. Now you have formula synchron, road warrior level 6 and junk warrior level 4 And then you go into quasar

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Well its hard typing on a tablet Hand level eater, quickdraw, synchron explorer Discard level eater summon quickdraw synchron, summon level eater by reducing quickdraw to 4, synchro junk warrior. Normal summon synchro explorer special summon quickdraw synchron, level eater junk warrior so its lv 4 now, synchro with level eater, quickdraw and synchron explorer to summon road warrior. Road warrior effect summon unknown synchro, level eater road warrior so its level 7. Synchro formula with unknown and level eater, draw 1. Level eater road warrior once more so its level 6. Now you have formula synchron, road warrior level 6 and junk warrior level 4 And then you go into quasar

I actually didn't know that.
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If you like it you could use more cards to support it like an extra level eater and synchron explorer And maybe another unknown synchron incase you draw it or any other lv 1 machine tuner Also you should use road warrior in your extra deck now since you do have all the other combo pieces

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