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[PKMN] White Kyurem EX Plus ruling (since there's no pkmn Q&A)

Miror B

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White Kyurem 180 HP dragon.png

fire.pngcolorless.pngcolorless.png Dragon Stream 60

Flip a coin. If heads, attack a basic Energy card from your discard pile to this Pokemon.


fire.pngfire.pngwater.pngcolorless.png Ice Burn 150

Discard 2 fire.png Energy attached to this Pokemon. The Defending Pokemon is now Burned.


So mostly this is for a question. I only have 1 fire.png energy attached to this (through meld or rainbow energies or something), how does Ice Burn play out?

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So mostly this is for a question. I only have 1 fire.png energy attached to this (through meld or rainbow energies or something), how does Ice Burn play out?

Rainbow, Blend, and energies like that count as all types they specify - You don't have to specifically discard fire energies. So, if you can use the attack with the proper requirements for energy, you will always have 2 Fire to Discard, whether through Blend, Rainbow, or whatever.

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