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Pokemon (12):

Keldeo EX x3

Black Kyurem EX x2

Squirtle x4

Blastoise x3


Trainer Cards (33):

Colress x3

N x4

Juniper x4

Superior Energy Retrieval x2

Energy Retrieval x2

Rare Candy x4

Pokemon Communication x2

Ultra Ball x4

Pokemon Catcher x4

Skyla x4


Energies (14):

Water Energy x11

Lightning Energy x3


Ace Spec:

Scramble Switch


To be completely honest, I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing and I built this based off a deck list I saw near the end of June.


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Max Rare Candy, take out one of the Wartortles, don't run Cryogonal. The Plasma one only has 80hp, basically everything will knock you out. Max Juniper and Colress, take out Bianca and 2 switches for a 4th N and 4 Hypnotoxic Lasers, and also there is a better energy retrieval, despite having to discard 2 for it. You can also tech Lightnings and play Black Kyurem EX PS for it's 200 damage Black Ballista attack, enough to knock out basically everything. Also consider running Skyla and Ultra Ball.

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So for numbers, It should be...


+2 Rare Candy

+1 Colress

+1 N

+4 Hypnotoxis Laser

+4 Superior Energy Retrieval

-2 Switch

-4 Energy Retrieval

-1 Wartortle


And then I have to take out 5 other cards if I'm doing this. Also, what would I take out for Skylas or Ultra Balls?

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It's not bad for a first attempt, but some things I'd like to Change (From the decklist currently listed, before Shard's Changes):


-3 Cryogonal (PS: Which one is it?)

-2 Wartortle (You should be using rare candy)

-1 Cilan (Usually uneeded, but can be kinda handy I suppose)

-1 Energy Retrival (It's still good, though not the best.)

-4 Switch (Completly Uneeded with Keldeo's Power)

-4 Level Ball (Only really searches Squirtles)

-3 Water Energy


+2 Black Kyurem EX (Plasma Storm [The One with Black Ballista])

+1 Blastoise

+4 Skyla (You NEED rare Candy ASAP)

+1 N

+1 Computer Search

+2 Superior Energy Retrival

+4 Ultra Ball (Y U NO RUN???)

+3 Lightning Energy


Also consider Bicycle, as the deck burns its hand fairly quickly.

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It's not bad for a first attempt, but some things I'd like to Change (From the decklist currently listed, before Shard's Changes):


-3 Cryogonal (PS: Which one is it?)

-2 Wartortle (You should be using rare candy)

-1 Cilan (Usually uneeded, but can be kinda handy I suppose)

-1 Energy Retrival (It's still good, though not the best.)

-4 Switch (Completly Uneeded with Keldeo's Power)

-4 Level Ball (Only really searches Squirtles)

-3 Water Energy


+2 Black Kyurem EX (Plasma Storm [The One with Black Ballista])

+1 Blastoise

+4 Skyla (You NEED rare Candy ASAP)

+1 N

+1 Computer Search

+2 Superior Energy Retrival

+4 Ultra Ball (Y U NO RUN???)

+3 Lightning Energy

Well okay then.

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