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Woman Divorces Her Husband Because He's Too Nice

Kyng's Old Account

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Maybe the same doesn't apply across the pond, but in the UK divorce usually requires some form of decent reasoning for a divorce. Wanting a divorce in itself seems pretty sketchy in the first place.

My point isn't in any terms of legality. I personally believe the desire to divorce is sufficient.
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My point isn't in any terms of legality. I personally believe the desire to divorce is sufficient.

Well my point still stands - usually, if you want to divorce, there is a reason behind it. I can't avoid thinking that what you're saying is "Divorcing for the sake of divorcing" is sufficient, to which I'd disagree in saying that it is a waste of everyone's time.
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YCM probably doesn't know this, but black women are crazy. Not all of them show it, but the ones who are "sane" have a crazy sista inside ready to come out and act all ignit.


This is actually pretty normal.


I wouldn't say all of them do, but to be fair every black women I've ever met has ._. But again, there's probably some that don't have a crazy side to them.

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YCM probably doesn't know this, but black women are crazy. Not all of them show it, but the ones who are "sane" have a crazy sista inside ready to come out and act all ignit.


This is actually pretty normal.



Everyone has madness within.


Black women are generally dealt the most difficult hands (both when considering the population of North America as well as that of the world as a whole), so they're under the most pressure to identify with depictions of so-called wild women because it's less alienating and/or painful to defy societal boundaries imposed on them than it is to try and compromise with abusers.

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Wonder if she was covering the real reason she divorced him.

Telling someone they love you more than twice a week is freaky? I tell my mother that more than 2 times a week.

And the food, you can just refuse it you know.

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Men have to maintain a balance of aggressiveness and generosity because of survival instincts--you appear more attractive to women if you prove you're able to hold your own and defend a family. Granted, we aren't slaying mammoths on the plains anymore, but it still lies in the blood.

Despite this, they already tied the knot. What did the women expect going into it? It's still remains a foolish reason for divorce. Almost kinda odd that this divorce seems to lie on the other side of the spectrum from other common reasons.

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That was quite ridiculous. Couples go into court because the woman/man is being mistreated, beaten, etc. this couple had a wonderful relationship and a divorce was not needed. This woman should probably regect on her mistakes or see a psychiatrist.

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That reason for divorce is really stupid but in my opinion the whole thing seems scripted lol


I do agree with Sixty32Zero's point on balance though. Most girl's don't want total jerks but on the other hand they're not too attracted to incredibly nice guys either. A "nice guy" typically agrees with everything the girl says, is insecure and over thinks a lot, and doesn't take the lead on anything, like by always asking her what she wants to do on dates and in relationships. That's a good definition of "too nice"


I can't speak for all girls tho since I'm not one, but from what I've seen most girl's prefer a guy who isn't a pushover, is confident with himself around people, and gives a girl attention while also attending to his own priorities and goals in life


This probably doesn't apply to the guy character in the show since he seems like a genuine cool guy so sorry if I'm off-topic lol.

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She is idiotic.

Divorice is only needed in certain cases, and I don't see being too nice as one of them. However, if she was uncomfortable for any reason whatsoever, it is within her right to want a divorice. I just wish the reasons were more senseable.

On the sub topic of balance, I agree. I'm always far too nice and forgiving in my relationships and I've been cheated on all but twice (meaning 5 cheated). Usually, they tell me later that they miss my kindness and say the one they're now with is an asshole, however, they also throw in that they wouldn't want someone AS nice as me. It is obvious that girls lose interest or feel uncomfortable when the guy is too caring/loving/forgiving (funny how they see a romcom and think they want that, by the way), but also don't want the egotistical jerk a lot of men strive to be to women.


-Case Closed-

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someone's got time fo' dat =D


If it's not a show, there might be other reasons or perhaps the couple life just didn't work out anymore. The children must go through a bad time.


But then again, it's their money. Personally I would think twice a shitload of times (besides situations of abuse of course) before going through the process of a divorce. And before going through the process of a marriage as well.


I can agree with the balance on generosity and self-assertion tough. Well personally, I like a guy with his head on his shoulders (not his head through the fucking roof, but should be able to take the initiative and stand on his ground).


The man in the video seems like a real angel though. I would take the home-cooked meals.=o

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The man in the video seems like a real angel though. I would take the home-cooked meals.=o


So would I. And I'm not even that kind of person. But for the four-course meals that are home-cooked? Hell yeah I'll room with him for that.


But if that's her reason for divorce, then she needs to get her sh*t straight.

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