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"Why did you let the team score, dip s***?!" - - - - Coach Fist Deck {Prime-Ace John}

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Gene-Warped Warwolf (x3)

Coach Soldier Wolfbark (x3)

Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Bear (x3)

Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Gorilla (x3)

Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Dragon (x2)

Rescue Rabbit (x2)

Effect Veiler (x2)

Maxx "C"

Fire Formation - Tenki (x3)
Fire Formation - Tensu (x3)
Dark Hole
Monster Reborn
Mystical Space Typhoon (x3)
Fire Formation - Tensen (x2)
Horn of the Phantom Beast (x2)
Mirror Force
Bottomless Trap Hole (x2)
Fiendish Chain
Solemn Judgement
Solemn Warning
Blaster, Dragon Ruler of Infernos (x3)
Burner, Dragon Ruler of Sparks (x2)
Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Dragon
Pot of Duality
Pot of Avarice
Forbidden Lance
Forbidden Dress
Heavy Storm
Gozen Match
Number 11: Big Eye
Mecha Phantom Beast Dracossack
Number 74: Master of Blades
Ally of Justice Catastor
Number 16: Shock Master
Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Tiger King (x3)
Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Cardinal (x2)
Diamond Dire Wolf
Daigusto Emeral
Gem-Knight Pearl
Maestroke the Symphony Djinn
Number 50: Blackship of Corn
Number 39: Utopia (x2)
Steelswarm Roach
Well, the Deck is really about summoning Wolf Bark to get First Fist from grave then Xyz to Tiger King. There's so many combos with this deck especially with Tensu.
A lot of people may disagree putting Tensu at 3 was bad, but I like it because it speeds the deck in bring out the Xyzs.
I put in the Tensens just to get a target for Dragon.
I'm thinking about maining the 2 pots in the side decks just to speed the deck more. I get troubled dropping in Duality because it works good with Tensu but bad with Rabbit and Coach.
I played against Dragons and surprisingly didn't do that bad. Of course I lost, but I was actually pretty close.
Tell me what you think.
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Throw in Gozen Match and/or Mind Drain for the Side.  Those two can make Dragon Ruler matchups a little easier.


I'd also drop Heavy Storm.  You're gonna have 2+ Fire Formations on the field, and Heavy kinda gets in the way of those.  I'd drop Heavy for a third MST.


I'd also try Compulsory Evacuation Device.  Bouncing back a Big Eye/Dracossack can work wonders as well.

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Throw in Gozen Match and/or Mind Drain for the Side.  Those two can make Dragon Ruler matchups a little easier.


I'd also drop Heavy Storm.  You're gonna have 2+ Fire Formations on the field, and Heavy kinda gets in the way of those.  I'd drop Heavy for a third MST.


I'd also try Compulsory Evacuation Device.  Bouncing back a Big Eye/Dracossack can work wonders as well.


Fixed up a a bit. Thanks for the suggestions.



Running 1 Crazy Box gives you access to siding EEV.


EEV? Whats that?

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