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Yugioh - The Tale of the Time Keepers


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Hey guys. Last night I had a great idea of a fan-fiction that I could write for well yugioh. I'd need you guys to create 5 main characters. I'd need 3 of them to be Time Keepers and the other 2 to be whatever. Anyway here's my plot.

Do you ever wonder why all the legendary main characters never lose a shadow game? Or simply just a duel? Well this is where the 3 time keepers come in. Their job is to make sure events in time pass by with a very specific timeline. Each time keeper holds a legendary card that allows them to travel in time. Here's the issue, 2 of the time cards have been stolen by dark forces and given to evil minds which the time keepers call time disturbers. With only 1 time keeper in business things are spinning out of control. The last time keeper is now at a desperate time. The last time keeper is now forced to find the 2 evils. They could be anywhere. They could be deep in past or deep in the future.

Oh I forgot I'd also love it if you guys could create the 2 Time Disturbers. Here's my little app

Name: (Can be modern, could be a name from any generation)
Race: (can have duel spirits too)
Age: (Time keepers have immortality. So they'll never die of age.)
Personality: (at least 2 paragraphs)
Appearance: (at least 2 paragraphs or a pic)
Role: (Time Keeper, Time Disturber, or anything else you can think of)
Deck Type: (I'm going to create the cards the characters use myself so give me a type of deck you wanna see)

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