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Light Beatdown Deck

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Had another weekly tourney with friends. I made a light beatdown deck this week. Rate it.



Airknight Parshath

Silent Magician LV5

Soul of Purity and Light

Zaborg the Thunder Monarch

Asura Priest


D.D. Warrior Lady

Dunames Dark Witch

Magical Merchant


Ninja Grandmaster Sasuke x2

Reflect Bounder

Royal Magical Library


Shining Angel x2

Silent Swordsman LV3 x2




Marshmallon Glasses

Heavy Storm

Mist Body

Mystical Space Typhoon

Monster Reincarnation

Nobleman of Crossout

Nobleman of Extermination

Pot of Avarice

Smashing Ground

Brain Control

Swords of Revealing Light

The Sanctuary in the Sky



Beckoning Light

Trap Hole

Rope of Life

Raigeki Break

Sakuretsu Armor

Seven Tools of the Bandit

Wall of Revealing Light

Widespread Ruin


I can't believe it. I lost my champion title. I came in fourth.

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dude firstly good theme bad mix of cards. your deck will not benefit fro watapon at all, and its generly very bad, also one more thing its very random, your choice of cards. heres a better mold of a light beatdown, this will mainly use the effect of airknight as the main beatdown of the deck.


| monsters


3| Airknight Parshath


3| Herald of Green Light

3| Herald of Purple Light

3| Shinning Angel

3| Nova Summoner

1| Marshmallon

1| Sangan

3| Gellenduo or Winged Kuriboh or even a mix of the Monarchs


2| Pot of Avarice ( need for recycling )

1| Monster Reborn

1| Heavy Storm

1| Mystical Space Typhoon

2| Cold wave

3| Shield Crush

2| Hammer Shot

1| Smashing Ground

1| Fissure


2| Beckoning Light

1| Torriental Tribute

3| Sakuretsu Armour

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