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I did not play them myself, but did play against them alot.


-2 Mobius

-1 Thestalos

+1 Dark Dust Spirit

+1 Tragoedia

+1 Fenghuang


I think 3 Salvage/Surface is uneeded here. You should not be lossing Swap, Diva is 2 times use only (unless you plan to raly on the Pots) here and you do not have synchros anyways. Other stuff are better in grave.

Also, I do recall seeing these played so I will just list them, Sea Lancer, Burial from a D.D. and Enemy Controler (and the likes).


Hope I helped.


Just listen to him




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Just because it's called Frog Monarchs doesn't mean you have to run all Monarchs.


-2 Mobius

-1 Thestalos

-3 Salvage

-2 Dupe Frog

-3 Diva (playing it just to make Gachi seems pretty poor)

-3 Surface

-2 Pot of Duplicity

-1 Ronintoadin

+3 Enemy Controller (!)

+3 Soul Exchange (!!)

+2 Vanity's Fiend

+2 Light and Darkness Dragon

+2 Tragoedia (Win condition number 2)

+1 Gorz (Win condition number 3)

+3 Battle Fader

+1 Random card, Maxx C or something

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