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Gogogo Spaming... is any further explanation needed?

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-3 Gogogo Ghost

-3 Gogogo Giant

-3 Gogogo Gigas

-3 Gogogo Golem

-3 Masked Chameleon

-3 Redox, Dragon Ruler of Boulders

-2 Reactan, Dragon Ruler of Peebles


-1 Dark Hole

-1 Foolish Burial

-1 Heavy Storm

-1 Mind Control

-1 Monster Reborn

-1 Mystical Space Typhoon

-2 Forbidden Lance


-3 Pinpoint Guard

-2 Compulsory Evacuation Device

-2 Mirror Force

-1 Eradicator Epidemic Virus

-2 Torrential Tribute

-1 Solemn Judgment

-1 Solemn Wishes


-1 Colossal Fighter

-1 Crimson Blader

-1 Scrap Dragon

-1 Stardust Dragon

-1 Gagaga Gunman

-1 Gem-Knight Pearl

-1 Maestroke the Symphony Djinn

-1 Mecha Phantom Beast Draccosack

-1 Number 11: Big Eye

-1 Number 16: Shock Master

-1 Number 39: Utopia

-1 Number 50: Blackship of Corn

-1 Number 74: Master of Blades

-1 Number 85: Crazy Box

-1 Photon Papilloperative


any recommendation or suggestion would be helpful

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Gogogo Zombies is really the best Gogogo build you can have, though, that's a whole different build, here I will just focus on some of you choices. First, Dark Hole and Mirror Force are both kinda of meh. You want to keep your advantage up in Gogogo, if you don't have monsters, you're not doing it right, and Mirror Force is just slow, they will most likely try to get rid of it, and many cards don't really care. I suggest Lances instead, and put in EEV, as you can easily make the monsters for it. While Phoenix Wing Wind Blast is a decent card, you already have Compulse in here, I don't find it needed, you would rather want some more monsters, such as Kagetokage or something like that. I can't say for certain, it is not a card I have played too much around with. MST can go to either side, or only 1, you already have Heavy Storm, so it isn't really needed. You want some Crazy Box and EEV actionj in here, so put both in. Along with Dracossack. I suggest taking out Tri-Head, it isn't really that great anyway. Also, Fairy King might look neat, but you want to spam cards that can control, so change it to something else.

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Gogogo Zombies is really the best Gogogo build you can have, though, that's a whole different build, here I will just focus on some of you choices. First, Dark Hole and Mirror Force are both kinda of meh. You want to keep your advantage up in Gogogo, if you don't have monsters, you're not doing it right, and Mirror Force is just slow, they will most likely try to get rid of it, and many cards don't really care. I suggest Lances instead, and put in EEV, as you can easily make the monsters for it. While Phoenix Wing Wind Blast is a decent card, you already have Compulse in here, I don't find it needed, you would rather want some more monsters, such as Kagetokage or something like that. I can't say for certain, it is not a card I have played too much around with. MST can go to either side, or only 1, you already have Heavy Storm, so it isn't really needed. You want some Crazy Box and EEV action in here, so put both in. Along with Dracossack. I suggest taking out Tri-Head, it isn't really that great anyway. Also, Fairy King might look neat, but you want to spam cards that can control, so change it to something else.

thank you for your suggestions Zazubat, firstly dark hole maybe meh but it's a personal preference, mirror force maybe slow but it's just in here to slow down my opponent and I've had more luck with it than forbidden lance. admittedly Phoenix Wing is redundant, i'll swap that for the lances. I've kagtokage in 3 other decks and it's always been a dead draw. I've made the suggested changes to my Extra Deck.


edited the 1st post

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