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[CFV] 1 Grade 3. DAIVEKICK


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1 Dimensional Robo, Goyusha
4 Army Penguin
4 Dimensional Robo, Daibattles
4 Dimensional Robo, Daicrane
4 Dimensional Robo, Gorescue

4 Dimensional Robo, Daishield
4 Dimensional Robo, Daicannon
4 Dimensional Robo, Daibrave
4 Dimensional Robo, Dailander

4 Dimensional Robo, Daidragon
4 Dimensional Robo, Kaizard
4 Dimensional Robo, Daifighter
4 Dimensional Robo, Daidriller

1 Super Dimensional Robo, Daiyusha

So byak and I were looking at the new D-Robo stuff when we suddenly came to the realization that... Hey, Daiyusha is now the best Grade 3 D-Police! And why? Because of all the support that D-Robos got! You only need to play 1 Daiyusha because of the fact that Goyusha confirms you to get a Superior Ride off straight away. But, as Billy Mays put it, "wait, there's more!" Superior riding on top of Kaizard gives your Vanguard an additional +5000, which means that he immediately gets a crit the turn that you ride him. On top of this, the ability to actually use 8 cards which give your Vanguard +4000 (Enough for all that crit mm) is incredible... Then you have Daicannon. Daicannon can literally become a card which finishes the game by Turn 3. Not even kidding.

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