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True Terror [Rank 3 Spam]


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[spoiler='Deck List']2 Bite Bug

3 Crane Crane

3 Genex Ally Birdman

2 Junk Forward

3 Kagemusha Knight

3 Mimimic

2 Spell Striker

3 T.G. Warwolf

1 Tour Bus from the Underworld

2 Tour Guide from he Underworld


1 Book of Moon

1 Dark Hole

2 Final Gesture

1 Foolish Burial

1 Heavy Storm

1 Monster Reborn

1 Mystical Space Typhoon

1 Pot of Avarice

1 Reinforcement of the Army


2 Bottomless Trap Hole

2 Compulsory Evacuation Device

1 Solemn Judgment

1 Solemn Warning


1 Ghostrick Alucard

1 Leviair the Sea Dragon

1 Mechquipped Angineer

1 Melomelody the Brass Djinn

1 Muzurythym the String Djinn

1 Number 17: Leviathan Dragon

1 Number 20: Giga-Brilliant

1 Number 30: Acid Golem


1 Number 47: Nightmare Shark

2 Number 49: Fortune Tune

1 Shark Caesar

1 Temtempo the Percussion Djinn

1 Wind-Up Zenmaines[/spoiler]

Gilasaurus isn't even needed here, and he's a literal free Special Summon.

Everything here is meant to give out free Special Summons. Heck, the only card that doesn't SS is Tour Bus, which is still decent here for the recycling shenanigans that come with it and Fortune Tune.

...It needs more Draw, and/or search, since it rips through its hand fairly quickly. Help on that is appreciated.

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You don't really need Melo, it doesn't do much really, since the Djinns are usually last resort for a specific situation.

I can rather realistically make 2+ of the Djinns in 1 turn =Y

But, I have made some changes, and I'm going to test them before I post up the new list.

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Nah, just add the cards. You have a high monster density. Though Duality wouldn't hurt either.

>Add in draw engine w/o taking anything out


I'd appreciate a list as I apparently don't know half of the cards in here. o,o

List coming soon.

-2 Bite Bug
-Kaiser Shark-guy(the one with the 3-5 materials who's name escapes me)
+3rd Spell Striker

Dandy Engine does nothing for the deck except get in the way, since I have literally no use for the Tokens or whatever.

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If I can offer my 2c here, after a decent look:


-2 Bite Bugs

-2 Junk Forward

-1 Tour Bus

-3 Warwolf

-2 Final Gesture


+2 Card Troopers

+1 Gale the Whirlwind

+2 Duality

+2 Hope for Escape

+2 Upstart Goblin

+1 Allure


Extra Stuff

-1 Melomelo

-1 Fortune

-1 Brilli-Ant


+1 Psychonductor

+1 Mist Wurm

+1 Nightmare Shark

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Card Trooper is there for one reason, drawing really. He makes for a cheap beatstick when you don't have any options and you get a draw off him. Sounds relatively simple.


Also, Gale has great utility in just crippling a boss. Your deck focuses on chain summoning, so Gale can cripple a boss, then you can Xyz something for heavy damage.

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