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[Finished]Well, I'm back from vacation... - - - - Support Archetype Team Contest {Prime-Ace John}


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[spoiler=Bad News]So I came back from my Penthouse in Florida for vacation. Sadly, this Summer is keeping me so busy so I don't have as much time on here as I normally do. I volunteer at my Church Camp for Service Hours because my stupid school requires it. Then, in August, I'm going back down to Florida for another 2 weeks.


That's not all, news keep getting worse...


My laptop, (which has all my saved cards, templates, etc.), is 'locked' because some weird thing happened and I'm going to have to pay $300 in cash to get it unlocked. So temporarily I will do all my Internet stuff on my Desktop. I don't know how this happened, but this is something similar to what happened: http://imageshack.us/a/img51/4949/w1ar.jpg . If anyone can help me out, please message me.[/spoiler]


Anyways, enough with my life story, since I can't make cards, I'll be hosting this quick contest. 


How this contest works: There will be two teams: Team Blue and Team Red. After 6 people have entered, the teams will be split randomly. Then both teams will have to work together to accomplish the task. You can choose a team leader if you so desire. 



Each team picks one of the following Archetypes below to make support. You must make 3 support card of the chosen archetype. You may discuss with your team members which archetype you would like to support.[/spoiler]





Crystal Beast


Arcana Force

Horus the Black Flame Dragon


Moki Moki


Spell Counter





1) No Spamming, Flaming, or Trolling

2) You must complete the Entry Fee

3) No fighting

4) Common Sense

5) Follow ALL guidelines 

6) You pick the Archetype AFTER your team has been decided (Your choice must be shared with the team before-hand so they can decide and choose whether or not they wish to do that)

7) If a team member gets eliminated or drops out, the rest of the team still work and the prize will be given to the rest of the team.

:cool: NO WRITTEN CARDS[/spoiler]


[spoiler=Entry Fee]At least 50 Points, you can place in more for the pot (If you are level 2 or 1, you only need to pay 30. I will pay the rest)[/spoiler]


[spoiler=Prizes]The winning team will have the pot split among yourselves + each team member recieves 1 Rep. Any extra, if there is, will go to the other judge.[/spoiler]



1) Me

2) Sorin Markov[/spoiler]


[spoiler=How to Join]If you want to be a judge, say so in the comments. If you want to be a contestant, say so in the comments. Judges do not pay a fee. Before you say whether or not you want to join, you MUST send over the points.[/spoiler]


[spoiler=How to Win]The other judge and I will decide which teams' support cards would suit better in the Archetype they chose. The one we decide would make the support cards better in the Archetype wins.[/spoiler]



1) Instinct

2) haohaoruirui




6) OPEN[/spoiler]


[spoiler=Teams]Will be decided immediately after we have all 6 Contestants.[/spoiler]


[spoiler=Pot]100 Points[/spoiler]



Contest starts as soon as we have posted the teams. Contest ends August 17th. Winners will be announced either that day, or the following day.


Any questions, please ask.


Good luck and have fun :)

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