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Shining One Turn Mill

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It looks like the goal is to loop Shining Magician Masquerade over and over again to mill the opponent's deck until deckout. This appears to be acheived by using the classic Fusion Gate/Chain Material/Electrum loop, with the addition of M Warriors 1 and 2 to get 3 Karbonala Warriors out to make Masquerade. Once that is done, he cycles through all of the Omni-fusions to get everything banished before summoning electrum to do it all again.



This is utterly insane and I love it.


EDIT: Wait, Necrovalley?!

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It looks like the goal is to loop Shining Magician Masquerade over and over again to mill the opponent's deck until deckout. This appears to be acheived by using the classic Fusion Gate/Chain Material/Electrum loop, with the addition of M Warriors 1 and 2 to get 3 Karbonala Warriors out to make Masquerade. Once that is done, he cycles through all of the Omni-fusions to get everything banished before summoning electrum to do it all again.



This is utterly insane and I love it.


EDIT: Wait, Necrovalley?!

BUt that doesnt explain how that loops Masquerade...

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Yeah, its just the Electrum loop. Also the one good way of getting out Horakhty. :L 


This deck is great, finding a way to loop Shining and mill your opponent's whole deck. Its inconsistent as hell but still, its hilarious.

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Whew, it looks I don't have to explain the whole thing after all, thanks god...


I had a few issues in making the loop actually work, but I fixed them by adding a couple of extra Bubbleman/Shining/Ab 0. If you want to try this, just remember to have all of your Gaias banished before going for Electrum, or else the entire combo will fail.


Necrovalley is for speeding up A Cat of Ill Omen, but you might as well play the third Fusion Gate.


Also this could probably be the longest, most annoying OTK/FTK ever, even surpassing Mind Augus FTK and Gusto Exodia FTK.

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