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Chaos Hieratic

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I laughed at the Exodia wannabe. Don't you need all five parts of Exodia in the grave for him to even work, or something like that?


He is actually a very common card run in Heiratics. He creates an OTK with Atum via Gustav and recycles your graveyard (this is a good thing in Heiratics). 


However, he does have an effect that is a win condition. Every time you attack with him you send a monster to your Graveyard. If you send all 5 pieces of Exodia with said effect, you win. 


But he's there for the potential OTK/recycle. 

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He is actually a very common card run in Heiratics. He creates an OTK with Atum via Gustav and recycles your graveyard (this is a good thing in Heiratics). 


However, he does have an effect that is a win condition. Every time you attack with him you send a monster to your Graveyard. If you send all 5 pieces of Exodia with said effect, you win. 


But he's there for the potential OTK/recycle. 


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Made some changes to the deck. Added Upstart Goblin, One Day of Peace, and Reckless Greed for more speed. Removed Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning and Chaos Sorcerer because they didn't really do anything. Also did some other things.


-1 Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning

-1 Chaos Dragon

-1 Cards of Consonance

-2 Bottomless Trap Hole

-2 Call of the Haunted

-2 Compulsory Evacuation Device

-1 Solemn Judgment

-1 Solemn Warning

+1 Exodius the Ultimate Forbidden Lord

+1 Allure of Darkness

+2 Mystical Space Typhoon

+1 One Day of Peace

+3 Upstart Goblin

+3 Reckless Greed


-1 Constellar Ptolemy M7

-1 Photon Strike Bounzer

+1 Kiganjou

+1 Scrap Dragon

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