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Shops / Requests Forum Changes


Should It Be Changed Or Is It Okay As It Is?  

1 member has voted

  1. 1. Should It Be Changed Or Is It Okay As It Is?

    • Yes, the Graphics Section needs to be changed.
    • Nah, leave the Graphics Section is fine.

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Okay, now since I've become the Moderator of the Graphics section I haven't really done much except for close a few reported threads and I was thinking not long ago (Like In The Past Half An Hour To An Hour) how I can really do something for that section and then it came to me, so yeah there are a few changes I want to put forward to clean that section up as I see it as a place that needs it.


However for me to do this I need to know the opinions the members as in you people so what I want to know is if you people agree that it needs to be changed. For the most part I'm referring to the unsticking of shops and basically putting some rules down amongst a few other things I also want to do with that section which actually includes a better substitution to sticking the threads. Of course I need Remix's opinion as well since he is the other Graphics Moderator.


EDIT: Thread name changed to avoid anymore misleading ideas from the thread name.

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Indeed, as I've said I have a few little things I want to put into motion, trying not to repeat the same words every time, lol. One of the things as I've said is the unsticking of Shops which I know many people will b**** at me for, but that will have a replacement which I think will work better tbh, but then Shini has told me people will probably b**** at me for that too.

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Simple solution to avoid needing Sticys, Ask the owner of the Shop to put a Link to thier Shop in thier Sig, Also have a "Master List" Of shops as one complete Sticky. If the shop closes the delete it from the list,,, Simple.... If you'd like I can help out in making a list for you :)

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Well my little replacement idea would get rid of the entire sticky concept, but the review concept could be used for such, if I must really spill the beans so to speak I was thinking of a stickied thread called a "Shop Index", people could index their shop to get people viewing it, and if it has died would then be removed, etc.

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It seems some people are having some problems with my changes, perhaps the GFX Team idea was a bit too much...but if people had just posted here then we wouldn't have this problem...


Okay but seriously if I list everything perhaps then you guys can help me make this place better, so here goes...


Rules and Request Guidelines

GFX Team


Shop Indexing


All I can pretty much think of...and like I say if you have any problems, please do offer suggestions, just don't go suggesting anything that is out of my power since it would need to go through YCMaker and that is hard to do.

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I would just like an index of who does what and at what price, and the quality of their work [rated by the experts]


That would give a quick indication of who I need to go request from without clicking onto every thread every time I want a banner or a booster pack etc

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