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Theros [MTG]


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Number of Cards 249
Prerelease Events September 21-22, 2013
Release Date September 27, 2013
Launch Weekend September 27-29, 2013
Pro Tour Theros Dates October 11-13, 2013
Game Day October 19-20, 2013

The following sets in the block will be "Born of the Gods" and "Journey into Nyx". All signs are pointing towards it being based on Greek Mythology.

As excited as I am for it, it better win over Innistrad since Theros is replacing it this fall. Discuss, Magic fans.

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Compilation of Theros info.

Cards And Mechanics; Prerelease

- It's the Enchantment Matters block.
- Polukranos, World Eater is in Duel Deck: Heroes Vs Monsters (and, by extension, Theros). Picture and cost link. Polukranos can be translated as 'Many skulls'.
- "Three new mechanics. One for the Heroes, Monsters, and Gods. Five total mechanics in Theros. Including something people have been asking for."
- At least 1 futureshifted card to be in the set.
- Vanguard-style gimmick in the prerelease: The Protector, The Philosopher, The Avenger, The Warrior
- The gods have new frames: Pics!
- Elite Creatures and challenges. (Picture, Card Back) (Info here: tweet, tweet, tweet)

Art and Stuff

- Insecty leviathan thing
- Cycle of mono-colour Gods: Heliod, Erebos, Nylea, and two undisclosed (the Blue and Red ones)
- Art, More Art
- Locations in Theros: Meletis, Akros, Setessa

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The 3 mechanics aren't over the 3 sets. Its 1 per group. The Gods have one, the Heros have one, and the Monsters have one.


The challenges and elite creatures is something that will be done at the prerelease/release day/game day. At least thats what I think they were saying.


Also, heard that the set is going to have a higher than normal number of Legands. Not shocking since they just changed the legand rule likely to make the set play better.

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Apparently the same people at the head of Innistrad, Erik Lauer and Mark Rosewater, are at the head of Theros.

Considering Innistrad was their first time and that set literally won "best flavor" in all of Magic history, I have high hopes Theros will be just as amazing.

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Apparently the same people at the head of Innistrad, Erik Lauer and Mark Rosewater, are at the head of Theros.

Considering Innistrad was their first time and that set literally won "best flavor" in all of Magic history, I have high hopes Theros will be just as amazing.



Well Mark and Erik weren't the ones that did the heavy lifting on the flavor. They just made one of the best draft formats in Magic. The creative team does the flavor, and seeing as how they should have most of the same people, flavor should be a home run as well. All we have is art and it looks super awesome already.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Im pretty sure that art is for the U/G merfolk planeswalker that they said was in development a few years ago.


Or it could be for the blue god, but im hoping for the planeswalker.




This is the U/G walker we currently know about



Since her thing is giant sea monsters, I think she has a decent chance of making it into the set.

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