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Super Mario, the Nintendo Avatar

God_of_Random Blade

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The following Ritual combo is something I made for a fanfic on TPM. The fanfic failed, but the cards in it live on. And guess what? I remade them here.


Remember the original Yu-Gi-Oh!? Not the Japanese one - the Duelist Kingdom arc. Where Ritual Monsters, NOMI's, and the like weren't real cards - they just kinda were 'created' by the Duel Disks and arenas, remember? Well, building off that idea, I created the two cards on YCM, as well as the three NOMI's that originally didn't exist, but I made them for fun anyway, as well as one more bonus card just because he deserves the recognition.
















I know Mario cards have been done a billion times before. I know some of these cards are totally broken. But I don't care - these were my original ideas, and I tried to make them just that: original, clever, Monster-esque. And, in the fics they've appeared in, they are one-of-a-kind cards (Hence the text in the 'Circulation' area.) designed by a video game fanatic, much like myself. So, I think that they work.


That having been said, thanks for reading all this crap, and please leave some ratings, replies, comments, constructive criticism, whatever. Flames will be used to roast the spammers, trolls, and flamers, and if the mood strikes me right, marshmallows.






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Well, in the fic that SMtNA appeared in, he gained his effects every Standby Phase by himself. There weren't separate cards for Fire, Caped, and Metal Mario. He just had to stay on the field for three-four turns for all three effects to activate. I just made the others separate cards because... I felt like it.


That and there was no way to read the cards if I'd just put all the effects on one card. :P

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I don't really enjoy how every card's name ends with a weird title. Was it that hard to just call him Caped Mario, Fire Mario, Mario, Luigi, and Metal Mario?


Other than that, they're okay. Yes, hard to summon, but for the effect of Metal Mario, it's worth it. He's /indestructible/.


*Reveals face down Hane-Hane*

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I don't really enjoy how every card's name ends with a weird title. Was it that hard to just call him Caped Mario' date=' Fire Mario, Mario, Luigi, and Metal Mario?[/quote']


It's called 'originality.' If I had a dollar for every crappy Mario card I've seen called "Mario," "Super Mario," "Fire Mario," etc., I'd have enough money to buy a used car with three tires. Mario cards have been done to death, so I figured I'd give them some names and effects that deviate from the norm.


There are many OCG errors. You do not caps monster. You do not need the text in the brackets because you said the exact same thing on the spell. They need work. 4/10


So' date=' what you're saying is that, because I capitalized a word that I've seen capitalized in other cards, and because I accidentally included something in PARENTHESES (These: (), not these: [']) that was on another card, I instantly lose SIX points? I could understand two or three, but six?

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