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Gunna get my Duston

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Monsters: 20

3 House Duston

3 Red Duston
3 Yellow Duston
3 Green Duston
3 Goblin King
3 Stygain Security
2 Chaos Necromancer


Spell: 12

2 One-Chan!?
2 Pot of Duality

2 United We Stand
2 Forbidden Lance
1 Heavy Storm
1 Dark Hole

1 Pot of Avarice
1 One For One


Trap: 8
2 Bottomless Trap Hole
2 Dimensional Prison
2 Gravity Bind
2 Fiendish Chain


Extra: 7

3 Slacker Magician
3 Number 54: Lion Heart
1 Formula Synchron


Will be updated with the new duston from shadow Scepters when it comes out on YGOPro...



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You definitely don't want 3 of Green / Red / Yellow, as the deck relies on triggering House Duston. The best number is to run 2 of Red / Green / Yellow. Also, Chaos Necromancer is useless in the deck. Given how you're not alwys going to open with House Duston, you have to run a lot of draw power. So -1 of Green / Red / Yellow, +3 Mystic Piper, possibly +2 Kinka-Byo. Also, Dimensional Prison is sucks given how it's not chainable, so you're better off running Compulsory Evacuation Device instead of it, and add in Pot of Avarice if you're going to do these fixes.


By the way, why are you running Gravity Bind? I mean, I get the idea behind it, but it's useless since you're not guaranteed to fill up your opponents field with the Dustons every time for it to be useful, so drop those and replace them with Torrentials or Breakthrough Skills. 

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