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Gimmick Puppet Necro Doll

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If this card is in your Graveyard: You can banish 1 other "Gimmick Puppet" monster from your Graveyard; Special Summon this card from your Graveyard. You can only use the effect of "Gimmick Puppet - Necro Doll" once per turn. This card cannot be used as an Xyz Material, except for the Xyz Summon of a "Gimmick Puppet" monster.


The reason you run Gimmick Puppets.  It's a shame, really: she's a GREAT card, but the rest of her archetype is mediocre at best, save for perhaps scissor hands.



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If this card is in your Graveyard: You can banish 1 other "Gimmick Puppet" monster from your Graveyard; Special Summon this card from your Graveyard. You can only use the effect of "Gimmick Puppet - Necro Doll" once per turn. This card cannot be used as an Xyz Material, except for the Xyz Summon of a "Gimmick Puppet" monster.


The reason you run Gimmick Puppets.  It's a shame, really: she's a GREAT card, but the rest of her archetype is mediocre at best, save for perhaps scissor hands.



Des Troy, Egg Head, and Magnet Doll would like to speak with you.

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Des Troy, Egg Head, and Magnet Doll would like to speak with you.

Idk what Des Troy is...  

How is a -1 for a measly 800 burn or level upgrade good when other cards do the same thing?

Magne Doll doesn't really do all that much, and it punishes you for running engines.


So I stand by my point.

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Idk what Des Troy is...  

How is a -1 for a measly 800 burn or level upgrade good when other cards do the same thing?

Magne Doll doesn't really do all that much, and it punishes you for running engines.


So I stand by my point.

Magnet Doll is a free level 8 drop while you have another GImmick Puppet. That's bad?


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It's not bad, it's just not good either.  Gear Changer is better for the purpose of easy 8s, but you run Magne Doll for trade-in.

Why would you Trade-In Magnet Doll? He's a free level 8 drop.


If your opponent controls a monster and you control only "Gimmick Puppet" monsters, you can Special Summon this card (from your hand).

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Why would you Trade-In Magnet Doll? He's a free level 8 drop.


If your opponent controls a monster and you control only "Gimmick Puppet" monsters, you can Special Summon this card (from your hand).

Cause all Gimmicks pretty much belong in the Grave.


Key word here is "only".  Gimmicks run engines in addition to the 9-12 puppets in the deck, so he's dead most of the game.  At least in my experience.

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Interesting, which Card are you suppose to add?

You can add a lot of cards depending on your situation.


For example, you can add Gearframe to search out Fortress, which can summon itself as a beater by discarding your necro dolls in-hand to get your set-up.  


Or you can add Scissor Arms to mill a necro doll, or Gear Changer if you want another level 8 on-board.  


You can also add Black Salvo if you want to make a synchro by using dead scissor arms or vanillas.


The deck synergizes really well, which is one thing I like a lot about it.

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Wait, I'm confused...How is that a bad thing?
Like, why is it bad that an Archetype requires you to actually play it the way it's meant to be?


Because the archetype is underwhelming on its own. They look okay on paper, but they're too slow, too unwieldy, and inconsistent. Engines help with all of those, but in exchange, some of the best archetype support becomes inconsistent instead.


It's not a bad thing unless the archetype is undersupported, the way Gimmick Puppets and Chronomaly are. They now have a reasonable amount of support, with precious few broken or OP cards. But the support is all mis-matched and all over the place, making it harder to focus the theme with just the archetype alone. Not as bad as Koaki Meiru, but at least Heraldic Beasts were very focused on their objectives.


Gimmick Puppets focus on Rank 8s by sending Gimmick Puppets to the Graveyard and using cards like Necro Doll for more fodder. To this end, they have Scissor Arms to fuel the Grave, Egg Head to send fodder from hand and make itself Level 8, Junk Puppet to revive Gimmick Puppets, Puppet Ritual to revive several Puppets,


What they need to work better is some way to actively get card advantage from their plays without a massive amount of set-up. Magne Doll requires you to be running Gimmick Puppets almost exclusively, but the Puppets on their own are weak, have very little defensive effects, and are purposefully inconsistent. Necro Doll only works with Gimmick Puppet Xyz, Nightmare only lets you SS Gimmick Puppets the turn you SS it by any means, Gear Changer can't be SSed from Deck, preventing major plays through spam.


These are all good design choices, but it leaves Puppets still lacking a great deal to make them do anything. Giant Killer is their only truly good Xyz.

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The things that could have been done with this card had they not restrict her to Gimmick Puppet Xyz's, and unless they give the archetype some genuinely good Xyz's apart from Giant Grinder, I fail to see the justification behind the restriction (just like how they ruined a lot of Gear Changer's utility by making him incompatible with Machine Duplication and One for One).

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The things that could have been done with this card had they not restrict her to Gimmick Puppet Xyz's, and unless they give the archetype some genuinely good Xyz's apart from Giant Grinder, I fail to see the justification behind the restriction (just like how they ruined a lot of Gear Changer's utility by making him incompatible with Machine Duplication and One for One).


They clearly wanted to avoid abusing Gimmick Puppets' spam with actually GOOD Rank 8s like Neo Galaxy-Eyes, Giantrainer, Tachyon Dragon, Hieratic Overlord, etc. Same with the rest of the Puppets like Nightmare. They allow Rank 8 spam to some degree, but only if you use Giant Killer, Heaven's Strings, and Destiny Leo. It's a smart restriction for a bad archetype.


But maybe IV will play new Xyz monsters soon. Unlikely, but possible.

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