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The extra deck isn't finished but the basic idea is you flip absorbing jard and plus like a mad man while maintaining control of the field.


Example: you open is absorbing jar, geartown, dark coffin, statue of the wicked and book of taiyou.


Set jar, coffin and statue. Activate geartown. Activate book to flip jar.


Destroy coffin, statue and town to draw 3 cards (so far -1 due to book) then special gadjetron dragon (+1), force opponent to discard (another +1) and special of statue (not a very strong monster but still a plus in a way) so you want +2 of that overall.


The effects form a chain and do not miss the timing (tested on DEVpro).


I hope you like the concept and would like to make minor tweaks as well as find out if I missed out any good cards to combo with absorbing jar.

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Wait, but you can't Set cards the turn you activate his effect.


*sigh* You flip Absorbing Jar when cards like Magical Hats / Z-ONE etc. etc. are already face-down on the field. What's so hard to understand about it? Also, does DevPro really allow you to use Geartowns effect when destroyed with Jar? I mean, Geartown should technically miss the timing in this scenario.


EDIT: Yeah, Geartown will miss the timing if it's destroyed with Jar, so DevPro fucked up on that.

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*sigh* You flip Absorbing Jar when cards like Magical Hats / Z-ONE etc. etc. are already face-down on the field. What's so hard to understand about it? Also, does DevPro really allow you to use Geartowns effect when destroyed with Jar? I mean, Geartown should technically miss the timing in this scenario.


EDIT: Yeah, Geartown will miss the timing if it's destroyed with Jar, so DevPro fucked up on that.

Yeah I guess I didn't notice that when making the deck (sorry for the late reply, I've been quite busy) and that is a problem but the deck is fun to play with.. even if it cant's stand up to the meta (Also a way of saying: F*** E-dragons.)


Side note: Yes I still call dragon rulers E-dragons >.<

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