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Hello there. I'm Kirito (written in Japanese there because this name was already taken) and I'm new here (well, not really. I've lurked a lot). I'm Brazilian, 14 years old and I'm kind of a casual Yugioh player (being 14 and all). I don't really know most of the stuff like archetypes and I only know about the cards I play with. Still, I enjoy the game and wish I could know more about that sort of stuff. Due to not knowing that kind of thing, it gets a bit difficult to have ideas on what cards to make, but I try my best. I don't really have a lot of real life cards, as they cost absurd amounts of money here for whatever reason, so I can't really play much in real life. Well, at least there's things like YGOPRO (I can typically be found duelling there under the name "Ryuuzaki", normally with an Uria or an X-Saber deck). Also, my OCG sucks, so I'll likely need help with that.


Other than that, I quite like video games. I have an Xbox 360 and a PS3 and am likely getting a PS4 at the end of the year. I also started to watch anime recently (not Yugioh, I hate the anime with a fiery passion).

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