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dragon ruler deck

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When posting a Deck, type your card names in a way as to be unambiguous what cards you're referring to. "20 dragons" is extremely vague. Presumably, you mean 3 of eachadult Ruler and 2 of each of the babies, but this isn't immediately apparent.

what else am i going to play huh? tri horned dragon?
it should be obvious to anyone with half a brain what i mean when i shorthand stuff
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Not everybody here is super competitive, as you'll come to quickly realize. Heck, I had to do a double take when I saw most of the stuff since I'm used to it being written out...

But yeah...What do you want? It's standard Rulers. What is there to really say?

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Good job, you posted the most commonly used build in the game right now. At least try to put a unique twist on it. 


This section is for people who are unsure about their builds and seek assistance, OR, if they are sure about the build, seek advice from others on the forum to see if there is any further way of improving.


You posting the standard Ruler build is counter-productive to this forum's purpose. 


Btw, I wish there were neg reps, because I'd have negged the hell out of you by now. 

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