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Blind Eyes rewrite [PG-16][Started/Still Accepting]

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Wait, is Masune still in the pocket dimension? 


Yup. It's starting to break as Kagutsuchi gets more power though.



I should really be reading more of all the character's entries, instead of my own, Ryoko's and Daiki's. I still have no idea what's going on. :\


WELL! I think that pretty much signals that I need to do another status update .3. I'll take care of that after my post.




[spoiler=Staus Update]




Mausne, Marta, Daiki, Anapa, Izanami and crew - Currently in the "Reality Marble" (not sure what else to call it) battling Ayatane and Kagutsuchi (except Marta who is just hiding at the moment). Kagutsuchi unleashed his True Form. The battle is nearing it's end.


Reven - About to combat Muramasa


Asuka and Hibari - Have yet to post


Ibaraki and Tsurugi(?) - Just bumped into Ammy. Probably about to do battle


Bikuni - ... Not really sure where she is.


Corbeau and Sarah - Just entered Izanami's shop, remain outside the "Reality Marble"


Merrik - Status unknown




Izumi and Aoi - Speaking to Akane, possibly about to fight.






Peaceflare - Finished compiling the data on the surrounding city, preparing to move to her safe zone


Li and Hilda - Finished defeating the remaining demons. Ordered to pursue the retreating enemies.




Lunalescia and Ryoko - Somewhere in Tokyo, district unclear. Possibly Narita. Enjoying a spot of tea after Luna noticed the ferris wheel's destruction.


Veiskyrn - Status unknown. Outside of Tokyo.


Damien - Status unknown



Well, that should help everyone get a feel for what's happening at the moment.

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Yosuke, you truly have a knack for righting intrigue! What you wrote about Asuka and Hibari was really good, and actually gave me ideas on how I could develop my character! Hats off to you, good sir!


lol like I said, Muramasa's basically got everyone in the palm of his hand right now xD

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Weulp, here it is. I decided it would be fun to make a character with Hybrid Sound Aura, considering you mentioned it but nobody made a character who could use it.


Name: Hibiki Souta 
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Personality: Hibiki lives life for his own entertainment. He does things because he thinks they will be fun, rather than catering to the needs of others. At times, this obsession with his own pleasure can cause him to lean on the edge of cruelty, not letting his opponents surrender until he has ended the battle on his own terms. Despite this, Hibiki is a very friendly person, becoming familiar with most everyone he meets. He does not have a habit of making enemies, though he can be so competitive with those that he calls "friends" that they may as well be. His intelligence is extremely high, though the dominant side of his brain is the right side, causing him to excel in intuition, creativity, and above all, music. Music is Hibiki's life force, as well as his method of expressing himself. It is uncommon to see Hibiki without at least one of his ears covered by his headphones. Words that can be used describe Hibiki include: Artistic, creative, passionate, arrogant, disjointed, and distracted.
Weapon: His bare freaking hands.

Hybrid Sound Aura: By combining his Lightning Aura with his Air aura, he can control the vibrations of air, allowing him to create sound in its most raw form. He is capable of creating a large variety of frequencies, that can be used for a variety of techniques.


Lightning Aura: As a component of his Hybrid Sound Aura, Hibiki has a very wide control over his Lightning Aura. He primarily expresses this aura through bolts of lightning and bright sparks, adding a visual component to what can best be classified as the performance that is his fighting style..


Air Aura: The other component of Hibiki's Sound Aura, Hibiki's Air aura primarily manifests in the form of pressure differentials, allowing him to create large blasts and vacuums that can push back and pull in opponents, respectively.


Pressure Jump: By utilizing his air aura, Hibiki can create high pressure zones in any direction near him, allowing him to launch himself in the opposite direction at an extremely high speed. He can use this move quickly in succession to create a result similar to flight.


Sonic Boom: Hibiki's Hybrid Sound Aura is very efficient in its aura usage, so by channeling a moderate amount of aura through his hands, he can create large blasts of sound, capable of launching back objects, shattering crystalline substances, extinguishing fires, and causing temporary deafness in those nearby.


Sonic Jammer: Hibiki is capable of letting out a high-frequency tone that can disrupt abilities such as mind-hacking or other mind-based powers. He can increase the frequency of this technique further to induce headaches upon those around him, and cause temporary deafness.


Enhanced Hearing: Hibiki's sense of hearing is unparalelled among other humans, with him able to hear pin being dropped on the ground a block away. 


Lightning Light Show: Hibiki can fire his Lightning aura around him in random directions, creating large, bright sparks that can temporarily blind his opponents. Combined with his sonic attacks, Hibiki can use this to very effectively disorient his opponents. Those with an enhanced sense of smell or other senses (*hint* Reven *hint*) can effectively bypass the purpose of this technique.
Class: Magician
Faction: Demon Slayers Guild


Instead of the weird brain thing in his hand, simply imagine a spark.[/spoiler]

Bio: Hibiki is a half-demon, his mother a Sound Demon, whom he inherited his aura from. Despit her great strength, Hibiki's mother died in the process of giving birth to him, leaving only his father, who did not know of his wife's demonic status, to raise Hibiki. Despite the absence of a motherly figure, Hibiki developed well, becoming an intelligent, artistic boy, and then a similarly talented man. During a run-in with a gang trying to mug him, Hibiki discovered his ability to control sound, rupturing all of their eardrums. Hibiki subsequently joined the Demon Slayer's Guild, hoping to use his newfound abilities to stir up some fun for himself. After having been a member of the Slayer's Guild for over three years, Hibiki has obtained an incredible control over all three of the forms his aura takes. {NOTE: HIBIKI DOES NOT KNOW HE IS HALF-DEMON}



I have some pretty fun ideas for this character.

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