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Prophecy of the Blue Eyes ("It's called Bluebooks," says Koko)


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Decided to try Rated again on DN and try out all the meta Decks. First up, Bluebooks. Don't have a side Deck yet, the cards there are ones I'm trying to decide on. Also, I've never played Rated Matches on DN, but will it still match me up with them high-rated players?


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Will only match you with people who have a similar rating.


This is like the one BEWD variant I refuse to run. lol. But what I do know is that you're supposed to have 2 BEWD and 2-3 Maiden. iirc, you also run Wonder Wand.


But like I said, I don't run this and never will, but maybe someone else can help you find room for the aforementioned fix.  

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Will only match you with people who have a similar rating.


This is like the one BEWD variant I refuse to run. lol. But what I do know is that you're supposed to have 2 BEWD and 2-3 Maiden. iirc, you also run Wonder Wand.


But like I said, I don't run this and never will, but maybe someone else can help you find room for the aforementioned fix.  

The point of this Deck is more the Spellbooks than the Maiden :/


It's not really Blue-Eyes, it's just Spellbooks/Jowgen/Kycoo Control with two Blue-Eyes cards shoved in as an engine because Maiden is so freaking powerful. I'm not going to spam Blue-Eyes, I'm just going to leave this girl here for my opponent's turn after Summoning it with Judgment to act as a wall.

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Will only match you with people who have a similar rating.


This is like the one BEWD variant I refuse to run. lol. But what I do know is that you're supposed to have 2 BEWD and 2-3 Maiden. iirc, you also run Wonder Wand.


But like I said, I don't run this and never will, but maybe someone else can help you find room for the aforementioned fix.  


See the joke is that you're playing books and suddenly oh shit 3000 and you use up your resources to kill something that came out of left field.


Basically, it makes your opponent waste their plays to get rid of it.

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