YCM Weekly/Show/future-name-here
What did you like about the past issues/what do you want to see this time?
18 members have voted
1. What did you like about the past issues/what do you want to see this time?
Reviews (video games, music and such)
Commentaries like LPs
Comedy parts
Member-centered parts like interviews
I would like to read takes on more serious topics (ex. politics, current debates, etc.)
I would like to see more games like lotteries, riddles, etc.
More Yugioh
Others (please specify)
2. How often would you read an issue?
Every week
Every second week
Every month
Other (please specify)0
3. Did/would you follow the YCM Show/Nightly/Weekly?
Yes, I followed every episode :3
From time to time, but not all the episodes
No, not at all
What is the YCM Weekly?
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