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Sugar Cube Corner - Bronies of YCM


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I don't get why some people don't like the way the Flim Flam Brothers were portrayed. They seemed like that exact kind of duo the first time I saw them, even if they technically didn't do anything wrong besides trying to speed up production at the cost of quality. I feel like the carnival-style conman is extremely fitting.


Same here. In fact I was a bit happy when I saw that they were conmen in the next episode they were in. They just "had that vibe". I also like that they didn't learn their lesson at the end of the episode one bit. They didn't change. At all.


They just upped and ran!


That is actually rare in MLP when the "villain" doesn't get reformed.

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I was just taking a look through the list of ponies that appear in the comics, and I've found a few gems... no pun intended. 




Who knew there was a Japan in Equestria huh?




Gotta catch em all!




"What the hell am I doing in this comic you donkey!"




You're a unicorn Harry Potter.





"I'm going to find the One Piece!"




"I JACK! The Pumpkin King... have grown so tired, or the same old thing."




"In brightest day, in blackest night; no evil shall escape my sight. Let those who worship evil's might, beware my power, GREEN LANTERN'S LIGHT!"





"It's 106 miles to Chicago, we have a full tank of gas, half a packet of cigarettes, it's dark and we're wearing sunglasses... HIT IT!"




"Captain, I do not see this as logical."








Do I even need to say anything here?

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I was just taking a look through the list of ponies that appear in the comics, and I've found a few gems... no pun intended. 




Who knew there was a Japan in Equestria huh?




Gotta catch em all!




"What the hell am I doing in this comic you donkey!"




You're a unicorn Harry Potter.





"I'm going to find the One Piece!"




"I JACK! The Pumpkin King... have grown so tired, or the same old thing."




"In brightest day, in blackest night; no evil shall escape my sight. Let those who worship evil's might, beware my power, GREEN LANTERN'S LIGHT!"





"It's 106 miles to Chicago, we have a full tank of gas, half a packet of cigarettes, it's dark and we're wearing sunglasses... HIT IT!"




"Captain, I do not see this as logical."








Do I even need to say anything here?


And there are many more references. The Fringe reference in #17 was too big.

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...major fail Jake


No I'm right!




Who knew there was a Japan in Equestria huh?


Those aren't Japanese symb- *facepalm*


Okay so Sailor Moon is based in Japan. Fair enough . . . fail on that part.though you could've made it clearer


But I was still right in saying that those aren't Japanese characters, but instead the symbols for the planets- it being Sailor Moon and all. I find it odd that I'm still able to recognize Uranus' symbol even though I've only ever seen it a few times . . . .

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Pony-Mars would be pretty scary if you think about it.
I actually remember when someone mentioned all the Sailor Moon-esque ones in the comics.
Like, IDW goes out of it's way to be this amusing, and it just adds a whole 'nother level of interest, mostly because of the easter eggs n' junk.
Anyway, I found this on KYM:
I thought it was rather amusing, because, also, someone left a comment saying:

you know what, girls took away warewolfs and Vampires from boys

so boys are taking pony’s and unicorns from girls.

ahh neutrality again

Which is actually pretty funny how that turned out(Or at least as far as the comment implies).

That aside-
Aside from the Sailor Moon ones, the One Piece-ponies are my favorites of those. I mean, I've never really been a fan of Once Piece, but like, they had a whole pirate-esque adventure in one of the comics, so Straw Hat n' friends are actually relevant to the story, and not really just pure backgrounders.
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Silly Filly Studios released their new stuff



Cool stuff





This was as good as I expect from Silly Filly Studios, if not above and beyond. They said in the beginning that it might not fit with some people's head canon, but to be honest it fits perfectly with mine. I not only love that it wasn't Celestia and Luna, two powerful Alicorns, who could defeat Sombra. No. It was only the more powerful Nightmare Moon, who had the best line in the entire thing, "What are you!?" "Me? I'm a nightmare!", who defeated him. It is also nice that Sombra began to tempt Luna into siding with him, knowing what her future would be, but ultimately it was that temptation and the very use of his own powers that lead to his downfall.


To me this fits into my head canon perfectly.

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With regards to Sombra-
Ok, here's a question that I'm suddenly curious about; If you could have anyone voice Sombra, and I mean literally any 1 person, who would you have as his voice actor?
(Since, you know, he never actually said anything anyway)

Now we'll call ourselves "Animal Janes" now that Hasbro copyrighted "Brony"

It's funny, though... They seemingly copyrighted it, with a song that's a parody of another song.
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If you could have anyone voice Sombra, and I mean literally any 1 person, who would you have as his voice actor? Since, you know, he never actually said anything anyway.

Tim Curry, just, Tim Curry. He would make Sombra purr in just the right way.


Y'know I had no singular person in mind until Broken said this. Yes. Yes all the way for Tim Curry voicing Sombra officially!


He literally plays some of the best villains I've ever heard. Even in bad movies he plays well voiced villains.




If it wasn't him though I'd say the person who does Sombra's voice here would do an excellent job:


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Saw these on KYM just now, it's Meet the Pyro, with Spike has the Pyro:

Whats pretty neat about these, are the aesthetic/dialogue changes and what-not, in order to make it more accurate to Ponyville.
Plus, the small details really add to this; Spike having letters instead of flares, Twi being Medic for the sake of Spike assisting her in medical stuff, etc, it's just a rather amusing recreation in general.

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So, I saw some stuff about the game Watch Dogs having various meme-related references in it, including some MLP related ones.
Stumbled upon this:
I don't know if I should either facepalm, or just keep laughing at the fact something like this exists in this game.

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So, I saw some stuff about the game Watch Dogs having various meme-related references in it, including some MLP related ones.
Stumbled upon this:
I don't know if I should either facepalm, or just keep laughing at the fact something like this exists in this game.


There is also this tweet in the Xbox twitter




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