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You drew the picture used? Mind drawing my OC? (83)


And I know I review MLP Fan fictions but I am NOT going to read this. Why? It's incomplete. I tend to try and stay away from anything incomplete so I can actually give a review of the full story.




I'm also interested because I'm left handed and it will always spark an interest in me when anyone, or in this case anypony, is left hoofed.


I can try. But I am actually bad at drawing ponies. Other than the blue OC in armor, all the other characters in the picture were done with heavy ammount of tracing. I can mostly, like they say "polish the turd" in photoshop. I will try, anyways.


The fanfic has, for now, one chapter published and two being processed, of about ten chapters to complete the story.

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The fanfic has, for now, one chapter published and two being processed, of about ten chapters to complete the story.


Tell me when the story is completely finished. As it sits I'm still waiting for at least five other stories to finish before I give them an official review- the two ones I want to be finished the most are "The Golden Armor II" and "Mort Takes a Holiday".


Since Arm put one I think I should include a game:

Canterlot Seige II

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So.... Someone over on KYM decided to leak more of the mirrorverse....

[spoiler=Discord is an hero]
[spoiler=4 of the 6 elements]
[spoiler=Red and black is original]
[spoiler=Now here is the best part]
[spoiler=And the ending scene]

All of the wow.
Just.... All of the wow.

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Okay, that Chrysalis glass painting scares me... a LOT.


But I love the fun they had with them. But, it's funny: The Flim-Flams share an element. I didn't think that was possible.


But I find it much more interesting that stained-glass Trixie is an Alicorn... and a Princess to boot.

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Okay, that Chrysalis glass painting scares me... a LOT.

Mirrorverse Chrys is basically Cadence, but it's amusing how actual Chrys uses love as a life source, where as Mirrorverse doesn't.

But I love the fun they had with them. But, it's funny: The Flim-Flams share an element. I didn't think that was possible.

Wasn't it, like, implied they were twins?
If so, they could play it out like Gemini Spark from Megaman Starforce.

But I find it much more interesting that stained-glass Trixie is an Alicorn... and a Princess to boot.

It's Trixie. Go figure.
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I'm also interested because I'm left handed and it will always spark an interest in me when anyone, or in this case anypony, is left hoofed.


At the end of Hearth's Warming Eve, Fluttershy was seen bowing with her left hoof while everyone else bowed with their right hoof.

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So.... Someone over on KYM decided to leak more of the mirrorverse....

[spoiler=Discord is an hero]
[spoiler=4 of the 6 elements]
[spoiler=Red and black is original]
[spoiler=Now here is the best part]
[spoiler=And the ending scene]

All of the wow.
Just.... All of the wow.

So wow. I didn't quite know what you meant by "the multiverse". Comic #20 huh? I need to hunt for this collection. I have 1 physical comic and that's when Luna starts talking the mane 6 to the moon to rescue Rarity.



I am left handed, so that about Fluttershy catches my interest. 

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I am left handed, so that about Fluttershy catches my interest. 


Left handed High Five!!! YEAH!


You are a celebrity, Charlie Brown Spike!

Das Video


Okay so it's good to see all three royal Princesses together- Twilight Sparkle, Celestia, Luna, and Cadence.

But BELOW them we have an unknown royalty, Prince Blueblood, Who I Assume is the Descendant of the Unicorn Royal Family (as she IS a unicorn), and yet another unknown Royalty.


I DEMAND to know who the names of the three royal members!!!


And since we're posting videos:




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We have the Saddle Arabian ambassadors/royalty/whatever, Blueblood, somepony who I would like to think is Rarity as Blueblood's date (except we see Rarity in the scene), and an onagerian prince, who will give you half his fortune if you send 5000 bits to his account first.

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We have the Saddle Arabian ambassadors/royalty/whatever


Hu I figured that was his nationality, but I still wanna hear his name.



An onagerian prince, who will give you half his fortune if you send 5000 bits to his account first.


Ha! Hahahahaha (XD)



But seriously that was a good joke.

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What the hell is Fluffle supposed to be? A really fluffy pony or a sheep?

Fluffle Puff is just a really fluffy pony.

If you have facebook, watch the video The Hub posted there.https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=648465795202506

I just finished watching that. A lot of people are commenting the new villain is the old Centaur character. You know the one with the dark rainbow?
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