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I'm almost positive Discord is the most powerful being in the show currently, though I imagine Twilight could one day equal or surpass him.


Anyways, I'll probably be dropping this topic on my end, feel free to continue yourself, I was just never one for speculating and over-analyzing things.

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I have seen different takes in immortality in different fanfics.


In The Immortal Game, Celestia and Luna are the children of a pair of terraforming Alicorns. They have the magic of all three five, actually, races of pony, and use an up-to-eleven version of the earth pony durability as a healing factor. While they have a lot more of magic than any of the races, they can theorically still be killed after you make them spend all their earth pony magic pool. Yet the only gods we see die in the fic had their power stripped beforehand. Discord is something that existed before the alicorns reached Equestria.


In The Secret origins of Scootaloo, Luna, Celestia, Cadance, Discord and other gods are the children of The Creator, a being who created everything (duh), and has many forms and many names (including Lauren Faust's pony OC). They are immortal, but their children are not neccesarily. It seems they live forever, but we see them being injured, and at least one god has died in backstory.


In this one fanfic that I don't remember the name of, and I read over a year ago, Alicorns live exactly 5.000 years. They each chose a succesor that takes their roles, and the universe itself changes so that for everypony else, the new princesses have existed since forever.


In Stories in Stone, the true gods left the planet eons ago, but something similar (also called gods) can be born from the most populous races. They seem to live forever, and are very powerful, but can be killed by other gods, or weapons of a certain magic-nullifying material. A new god is born when a god of that race is killed. Gods can also give up their godhood to others. Luna and Celestia are the current gods of ponies. Discord is a draconequus turned into an artificial god by certain artifact.


In Austraeoh, the world is a plate floating in a sea of chaos. The ancient alicorns found this place and gave light and life to one side of the world, the other still covered in chaos. Celestia and Luna are the only ones left. Discord comes from the other side.


In Myths and Birthrights, Faust and her sister come from a different dimension. The rest of their herd went to another dimension and set up something like the greek pantheon. Faust is the mother of Celestia and Luna. In this universe, alicorns give birth to alicorns, but they just don't breed very often. We see 300 years old alicorn foals still without cutie mark.



But anyways, Twitter of God said there were forty-something alicorns in Equestria, and even if it seems she said it jokingly, it's something to take into account.

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But anyways, Twitter of God said there were forty-something alicorns in Equestria, and even if it seems she said it jokingly, it's something to take into account.


Who? Sorry I don't have a Twitter account so that means nothing to me. I'm going to assume you mean Lauren Faust's twitter account. And, if so, then that actually works in the favor of my theory in a way. It backs up once more the idea that Alicorns are rare, which is why they're treated as Gods, but they can still die. In fact about forty-something Alicorns throughout Equestria does sound like a good number for them.



Discord is something that existed before the alicorns reached Equestria.


This is actually what I believe is Discord's origin as well. He existed before Equestria ever existed. However, we never see or hear about him beforehand because until Equestria was founded the world was already chaotic enough that I doubt he'd feel the need to appear. Only watch. Equestria is formed and it is the only place, I assume, that is harmonic and peaceful. So Discord finally decides to take a more active role and bring chaos himself.



In The Secret origins of Scootaloo, Luna, Celestia, Cadance, Discord and other gods are the children of The Creator, a being who created everything (duh), and has many forms and many names (including Lauren Faust's pony OC). They are immortal, but their children are not neccesarily. It seems they live forever, but we see them being injured . . . .


Reminds me of the Alicorn from 'Mort Takes a Holiday'

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Consider I absolutely loved the first movie, I wouldn't mind a sequel, though I'm not sure how good it could be with that as its premise. Then again, from its initial announcement up until shortly before its release, I thought the first Equestria Girls was going to be terrible.




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Who? Sorry I don't have a Twitter account so that means nothing to me. I'm going to assume you mean Lauren Faust's twitter account. And, if so, then that actually works in the favor of my theory in a way. It backs up once more the idea that Alicorns are rare, which is why they're treated as Gods, but they can still die. In fact about forty-something Alicorns throughout Equestria does sound like a good number for them.



I think it was Meghan McCarthy, shortly after the introduction of Princess Cadance.





Those Equestria Girls designs really bring the eighties back. It's as if Jem never died of overdose.

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And Neon Lights is one of them =D


SPEAKING of Neon Lights . . .






Oh dear God my sides . . . my f*cking sides! They hurt from such laughter (XDDD)

No but seriously why do they think this is a good idea?


I think it was Meghan McCarthy, shortly after the introduction of Princess Cadance.


Ah okay.

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Consider I absolutely loved the first movie, I wouldn't mind a sequel

As did I, and I wouldn't mind a sequel as well.

though I'm not sure how good it could be with that as its premise-

DJ gets a car; Cars are obviously best instruments.
They form a rock band out of nowhere; How did any of them learn to play at that level, that fast, is beyond me.
Also, I found the song they play:
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I couldn't stop myself from laughing at nearly every little thing. We also get to know a few things about the world as well as confirm a few things we already know. I kind of thought it was interesting that Discord doesn't like being around Pinkie Pie . . . you'd think he'd be happy to hang out with someone just as random as him. Guess not.


His song, while situational and probably wont be ranking that high on the charts for long, it's still fun to know that Discord finally DOES have his own song. Ilovekimpossible is probably drooling over that right now (XD)


Also . . . Starswirl the Bearded Festival . . .

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Now that has to top, the most funniest MLP episode up to this date. The song wasn't really vocalized as well, but at least he got a song and I couldn't take off my grin after the hilarious references. Well even though Discord will always be the same personality wise, he really is longing for his supposed other friend's admiration, but he still has his aspects as a prankster, that will never change as well as the amount of comedy/randomness he brings.


And it's also nice to see Cadence again, and it looks like the amount of troubles she had has grown on her looking for more action. And Twlight is becoming more of a powerful alicorn as well. And just on the side, I thought the monster that came below the flower came as Discord intended...or maybe the plan just worked against him? Whatever it is that thing can nearly be made as nightmare fuel or another outlet for tentacle rape.

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Flash Sentry appeared as one of the two guards and bashfully eyes Twilight.  Yep, Flashlight is going to be canon soon.  I can smell it.

She didn't notice him at all. He doesn't have enough fingers.



Wait what? *rewatches scene*

Dat subtlety...did he become a guard of the Crystal Empire so he thought he'd get closer to Twilight?

He was already guarding Princess Cadance in the movie, before he and Twilight meet.

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She didn't notice him at all. He doesn't have enough fingers.



He was already guarding Princess Cadance in the movie, before he and Twilight meet.


It's been a while since I've seen that movie. If that's true then it's quite interesting how they keep and/or mention some continuity. Well the movie is sort of canon to the story though.

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The worm is my favorite obstacle in Season 4 so far.  Also, is DHX catering to hentai fans with the amount of tentacle fanservice?


Well if it happens a 3rd time I'm definitely confirming it. When it comes to these explicit things fanfic writers and artists make godspeed to expand this.

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