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Hey guys, remember this from like maybe early 2012?:
And how Weird Al had made some mentionings of the show via some tweets, to which then became a short interview at some point before Season 2?
And how he said he had interest in appearing on said show?
*Takkes a deep breath and calms myself*
*Massive grin appears on my face*
It's happening....
It's literally.
Going to be.
An episode.
Just the fact that Al and Pinkie could get a Duet- I.... I just don't even know what to say, let alone know what to think- It's real btw

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I'm having some really strained laughter right now from a combination of disbelief and excitement, that is gonna be great!


And I actually meant to mention this earlier, which makes what I'm about to say even sillier and more rushed, but at the rate S4 is going, I would totally want an S5.

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Weird Al. The world is surely ending. Pop culture is reaching it's peak, and the only way left will be going down.


Also, the power ponies episode should have been a chance to have the ponies fighting mooks again, like Canterlot Wedding.

Wasn't this exactly what happened though? Granted, the fight scenes were only visible sound effects from a perfect 60s Batman homage.

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So, let's look at all the things that this episode made canon:


Radiation Suits

Nuclear Power



Batponies can technically be considered canon because there is now a method for transforming pegasi into them


Also, Applejack gets an amazing music number, and Pinkie is sanguivoriphobic.  Overall, I think it might be my favorite episode of the season so far.

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I totally saw this image coming

But in all seriousness, though.... Bats! is riddled with fridge horror, and I absolutely love it. Like, to the point of it being my favorite. which would mean it has to share the first place spot with Secret of my Excess and Party of One. since, you know, I can never make up my mind with this series. But anyway...
One of the more interesting points about this episode, really, is the fact Fluttershy has bat wings. I mean, it's not exactly a major point, per say, but we've only seen bat winged pegasai once before, in Luna Eclipsed, and those were vaguely canon. So I guess, in a weird sort of way, ponies are capable of bizarre mutations, to the point of it being possibly genetic and/or permenant.
My headcanon is weird. Just go with it.
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I totally saw this image coming

But in all seriousness, though.... Bats! is riddled with fridge horror, and I absolutely love it. Like, to the point of it being my favorite. which would mean it has to share the first place spot with Secret of my Excess and Party of One. since, you know, I can never make up my mind with this series. But anyway...
One of the more interesting points about this episode, really, is the fact Fluttershy has bat wings. I mean, it's not exactly a major point, per say, but we've only seen bat winged pegasai once before, in Luna Eclipsed, and those were vaguely canon. So I guess, in a weird sort of way, ponies are capable of bizarre mutations, to the point of it being possibly genetic and/or permenant.
My headcanon is weird. Just go with it.


I more than welcome your headcanon.  My dream Saturday night did headcanon that Keldeo x Applejack was a thing for some reason...  Would that be called dream headcanon?

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Lets be honest; Flutterbat was a brilliant idea, despite being very outlandish and otherwise obscure.
And now that I think about it, I wouldn't be surprised if Luna's bat-winged guards were also created through magic.
I mean, you can give butterfly wings to Rarity(Which were permenent, until she burned them off, shoosh), so it seems pretty obveious that magic can play a part in heavily altering one's persona. This is also reinforced by the fact that Discord, basically, was made in this manner. Or at least, as far as the fandom says. Speaking of which, I still have Discord potentially being Starswirl, as part of my headcanon, because it alludes to too much stuff and otherwise gives me an excuse to try and go in-depth about things.

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So the story arc in Friendship is Dragons where Pinkie Pie's player is the DM is... nonsensical, not surprisingly. First Pinkie Sense gets covered, which goes into Cerberus showing up. Then the party splits up and Fluttershy and Applejack go fight some Timberwolves, then Applejack stops a stampede which was apparently caused by a ghost. I have no idea where the campaign is going.

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