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Sugar Cube Corner - Bronies of YCM


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Aside from different styled cutie marks based on similar talents or interests, is it possible that some just have the same cutie mark? If the pony universe is at least as populous as 1 or 2 continents, I'd say there would be one pony out there who shares exact interests to another pony. But if there is distinction for a reason, what is so special about being...special?

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Nah, I'm sure it's a total coincidence that almost every pony that has an hourglass cutie mark just happens to bear a striking resemblance to a time traveler.

Seriously though, it was totally intentional. Dr. Whooves might not have been, but after so many fans made the comparison, the others were probably put in for that reason.

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Hey wait, in that supper-hero episode that's in Season 4; Does anyone know the villain for this episode?
Some people are speculating it's Spike, just for gag purposes, and I've seen some other people thinking it was Celestia.
Although, Spike is more of the Robin in this scenario, while the later likely isn't anything at all in this.
So it's all up in the air for potential shenanigans.

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Depending of how long the superhero gag lasts, that Sedusa pony (I'm calling her Doc Octavia) could be the only villain. If it lasts the entire episode, then we'll be seeing them beat a lot of minor villains, including already existing characters that have appeared before in antagonistic roles. I would like to bet the final enemy will be Nightmare Moon, after they beat her monster that she made grow.

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If it's anything like his attempts in Owl's Well That Ends Well, eh...

But this is, literally, a what-if scenario. Or at least heavily implies it is.
I mean, for all we know Twilight was just dreaming up Mario Bros 2 this episode, and it ends with her suddenly waking up from something.

Oh god, but imagine Arma with Spike-

Depends on how the episode is played out, though.

Also, speaking of Spike-
Did you guys notice that my avatar is, basically, a zombified Spike?
It's from a blog that I came across while lurking some images. The blog itself is all(or at least, mostly) Japanese, but it's art style is rather interesting.
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