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And I'm not making an OC or anything. I just enjoy the designing.... I could do that if I wanted, though.

The steriotype Pony-OC is as follows:
Black coat
Red mane
Usually an Alicorn OR Unicorn
Has god-like powers
Has a dark backstory
Has some relation to at least 1 main character and/or existing villain which adds to the character
Basically they can do anything and get away with it in a very "justified" manner

Also, I'll note that about your connections.

I'm tired. Someone give me a tl;dr of the last few posts.

Basically just discussing pony generators and/or people who use them to generate OCs.
Which is why I never really bothered to make a true pony OC, as all my ideas are either too off-the-wall or just don't fit in any sort of continuity.
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The steriotype Pony-OC is as follows:
Black coat
Red mane
Usually an Alicorn OR Unicorn
Has god-like powers
Has a dark backstory
Has some relation to at least 1 main character and/or existing villain which adds to the character
Basically they can do anything and get away with it in a very "justified" manner

Also, I'll note that about your connections.Basically just discussing pony generators and/or people who use them to generate OCs.
Which is why I never really bothered to make a true pony OC, as all my ideas are either too off-the-wall or just don't fit in any sort of continuity.



That fits my non-serious OC really well.



Bed Rocker, alicorn of sexual reproduction. He's the father of Cadance, and has returned to Equestria after 2000 years to save ponies of extinction, even if it involves taking away their free will. He sees monogamy as bad outside a healthy population, and with so many mares per stallion, ponies don't have such. He will destroy love and will make it so each stallion takes a harem proportional to how much I like them. He already made a harem of 150 mares for himself the first day with the Love Poison he sweats. Now they are all waiting a foal of him (most of his children don't have his fertility powers, because that would lead to overpopulation, and that's bad).

I gave him a Sharingan so people would stop taking him seriously. It seems people actually have OCs like this.



Watching Dusk's Dawn was really time lost. At least Twilight Acorna destroyed a couple of the characters during her song.

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Watching Dusk's Dawn was really time lost. At least Twilight Acorna destroyed a couple of the characters during her song.


Was this before, or after my warning?  If it was after, then I did warn you not to watch it.


Also, that OC sounds so ridiculous that it somehow goes into the territory of awesome.

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Anyway, that basically sums up OCs in general. Self insert god mode Mary Sues are always the best.

Thing is, I keep hoping to see a well justified one appear, but, that's like impossible.

Niggertron is the best parodied OC of all time.

His is half-serious half-non-serious at the same time.
I mean, he was totally serious about the design, and even made it part Zebra. But it's funny part is that he went the extra mile and declared his OC to be a robot at the same time(Hence, 'tron' in his name). So his is just slightly over, over-the-top.

This is a sad, strange little fandom.

Fixed the quote for you, Buzz.
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Button's mom as a human... dare I say, kind of a MILF. Then again, never really had a thing for MILFs anyways.



Now before I get banned from here/YCM for saying that, let's get back to the OCs.



I'll probably never make one. This fandom is okay, but with so much hate, I don't go all "BEST THING EVER!"


Star Trek has a better, and much better shows (after the first season, except TOS).

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I'll probably never make one. This fandom is okay, but with so much hate, I don't go all "BEST THING EVER!"


This fandom is like any other fandom, there's good things about it, and bad things about, it's far away from being the perfect ideal fandom.

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No, people only hate on OCs BECAUSE they are over-the-top. Sonic's fanbase kinda' sorta' does the same.
Srsly, nobody makes normal ones anymore.
Anyway, I was looking for a guide on Google(I remember seeing some pretty neat ones somewhere) when I across a Tumblr that specializes in terrible Pony OCs. It's a pretty amusing Tumblr, in it's own way.

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It just occurred to me how one could justify a sue-OC~
Make the universe around said sue, so in context while it may seem like said character is stupid, that stupidity is what it takes to be normal in this universe.
Or in short, Discord conquered the universe, and you have to live with him.

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