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Ratchet & Clank: Into the Nexus

Phantom Roxas

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To be honest, I wished it wasn't called Ratchet & Clank. I place them both at the same level, although I imagine due to having more releases Ratchet likely has a bigger fanbase

I am pretty stoked.

Yeah, that's part of the reason I'm a bigger fan of Ratchet & Clank. I'd rather it have a name that didn't refer to either character, but doesn't have "PlayStation" in the name. We all know how PlayStation Move Heroes turned out.

This is relevant.  It's weird how two crossovers were revealed this year, but this is probably one that everyone was hoping for and expecting.  I only played Up Your Arsenal, and that game was good, so I don't have much of an opinion.

SOMEONE had to make that joke.

This crossover has more meaning to me than Shin Megami Tensei X Fire Emblem, but until it's confirmed, I'm more in anticipation for SMTxFE, if that makes any sense. Up Your Arsenal is one of the best in the series, second only to A Crack in Time.
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Full Frontal Assault is just okay, and so was All 4 One. I'd rather they go back to the classic style, because worst case scenario, this ends up being a racing game that requires the Wonderbook.

While Insomniac is making Sunset Ovedrive, they're still committed to Sony. That's why Sony tweeted to them directly about this.

EDIT: http://t.co/PzZhzjYJAN

It's not a crossover, but it IS a return to classic gameplay, which is all I wanted.

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EDIT: http://t.co/PzZhzjYJAN

It's not a crossover, but it IS a return to classic gameplay, which is all I wanted.

I'm probably gonna get a lot of hate for this, but I actually really liked All 4 One. I liked how it tried to innovate a bit more, and I really hope that the new game isn't just gonna be the old same for the sake of being the old same. You can have gimmicks and all that stuff, but if you don't surprise me, I will just be kinda meh about it. Still havn't played FFA yet, probably should get around to it.

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All 4 One was alright, but I'm sorry to disappoint you, this game really is going to be like the old games for the sake of being the old games, because quite frankly, the majority of the fans didn't like All 4 One as much as you did.

As long as it's not NSMBU I'm alright with it.

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From the gameplay of this, it looks like it going back to be a lot more similar to the original trilogy. I love this.

The game sort of went off the rails after a crack in time. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that the games were bad, I'm just saying that they weren't Ratchet and Clank games. I am so keen to get this

As long as they have an Arena world like the second game, I'll be happier than ever.

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I agree. I didn't like the R&C Series even after Deadlocked, which, while it kept some of the original aspects like stupidly strong guns and big explosions, it just didn't feel the same as the previous three games. I got Tools of Destruction simply for the nostalgia, but it ended up being terrible (dying after 2 hits does not constitute hard, but annoying).

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A Crack in Time was the last truly great Ratchet & Clank game, not only because it was the last one with the classic gameplay, but it was just that good.


My channel will actually be doing a playthrough of Crack in Time and Tools of Destruction.

I'm a HUGE fan of the R&C series and I can't wait for this next one.  Crossover or not, as long as we keep the gameplay of R&C that I've grown to love I could care less.

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