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The Grand Crossover RP - Pathway to Origin [OOC/Apps Closed for Finale]

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Nope.  Saving my slots for Kid Buu and one other for the last arc.


You better nerf him like hell, then~




@Roshi: Uinfortunately, I'm not going to do that :P come on, seriously, do you honestly expect me to allow a planet buster into the RP without any nerfs? If I did, then that'd totally ruin the balance. Don't take planetbusting lightly. It's not a joke. Have you ever been on a plane, traveled around the world? Have you ever tried counting to one million? Here, watch this view of Earth from space. The thing is, you can throw several million nuclear bombs onto it, but even if you killed all life through radiation, the world itself won't even notice.





I'm just going to say; put Kid Buu at the same level as Sephiroth and the other top tiers. Even then, he'd be pretty difficult to beat.



My headcanon for why DBZ characters are so strong is that there's a ridiculously large amount of usable energy in space (called Ki), and it's possible to absorb and channel so much energy to the point that they may well be walking planets themselves. But if you took them to another universe, where there's a lot less abundance of energy, then that kinda limits their output to more "realistic" levels.


Destroying mountains is still cool though.

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@Roshi: Uinfortunately, I'm not going to do that :P come on, seriously, do you honestly expect me to allow a planet buster into the RP without any nerfs? If I did, then that'd totally ruin the balance. Don't take planetbusting lightly. It's not a joke. Have you ever been on a plane, traveled around the world? Have you ever tried counting to one million? Here, watch this

. The thing is, you can throw several million nuclear bombs onto it, but even if you killed all life through radiation, the world itself won't even notice.


My headcanon for why DBZ characters are so strong is that there's a ridiculously large amount of usable energy in space (called Ki), and it's possible to absorb and channel so much energy to the point that they may well be walking planets themselves. But if you took them to another universe, where there's a lot less abundance of energy, then that kinda limits their output to more "realistic" levels.


I figured as much. It was a joke, though. However, it would be nice if you did allow Super Saiyan 2, so that you can see a side of Maxwell filled with rage. Oh well.


Destroying mountains is still cool though.


Oh obviously, especially when Goku was able to do it as a Super Saiyan 2 with his OWN TWO HANDS. If that's not determination, I don't know what is. :D

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That don't mean nothing. Buu doesn't have Instant Transmission, brother. He'll be outmatched by a cracker. :D


You better go read Buu's wiki.  Because he does have I-Transmission.  As well as Super Kamahehameha, and a few other disgusting tactics.  xD



You better nerf him like hell, then~


I plan to.  ^^;;



I'm just going to say; put Kid Buu at the same level as Sephiroth and the other top tiers. Even then, he'd be pretty difficult to beat.


It's really the regen.  That and his mimic ability (getting all of this from the wiki btw).



My headcanon for why DBZ characters are so strong is that there's a ridiculously large amount of usable energy in space (called Ki), and it's possible to absorb and channel so much energy to the point that they may well be walking planets themselves. But if you took them to another universe, where there's a lot less abundance of energy, then that kinda limits their output to more "realistic" levels.


That's only fair.  Some energies should be dulled in other universes.  It's another powercap.  I think if we can have Sephy's supernova, a planet buster (I'll go into more details later.  The wiki says it could nuke a planet the size of earth ten times over) would be fair.  But then again, one of the smaller ones could also drop planets, so I'm going to be doing a lot of power tweaking.


EDIT:  Sawce



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 I think if we can have Sephy's supernova, a planet buster (I'll go into more details later.  The wiki says it could nuke a planet the size of earth ten times over) would be fair.


I never intended to use the Supernova actually, I assumed it wasn't part of the original application to be honest. As a plus, Sephiroth doesn't even need the Supernova.

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I never intended to use the Supernova actually, I assumed it wasn't part of the original application to be honest. As a plus, Sephiroth doesn't even need the Supernova.


But FFR pls.  When you combine Planet Busters and Supernovas it's really fun.  Do it for Buu-kun?  <3  We tag team?  :D

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I should've added Spirit Bomb to Maxwell's app, forcing him to ask the energy of everyone and may not get it. You're lucky. <_<


Dude.  Our fight is gonna be sexy as funk.  Black Dynamite can be Hercule, and we can relive the entire series.  We're both lucky.

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But FFR pls.  When you combine Planet Busters and Supernovas it's really fun.  Do it for Buu-kun?  <3  We tag team?   :D





Sephiroth really is more of a work-alone (or work with as few as possible) kind of character. Which is why something will make sense much later on within Arc 3 *FORESHADOWING* That reminds me, Merciful might just appreciate a PM about this something.




EDIT: Also, anyone near A1 Night should be encountering THESE MONSTERS.

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Dude.  Our fight is gonna be sexy as funk.  Black Dynamite can be Hercule, and we can relive the entire series.  We're both lucky.


If Hercule was black you mean...Actually, it'd be more hilarious than sexy. Hercule had his moments, but Black Dynamite has more than he should ever have. So try not to put too much focus on how funny you intend for Black Dynamite to be.


Also, I never brought this up, but one of my characters from Maxwell's world (Who's a Majin) specializes in transforming into Kid Buu, but keeping his intelligence. So, Maxwell may end up having a derp moment. Just letting you know.

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Out of curiosity, but how does one get to use Kid Buu when he's dead and been reborn as Uub? I don't quite get how Isamy could recruit him DURING the fight and with his short time existing, I would think him to be pretty much unusable as he is the shortest lived major boss of DBZ.


Kid Buu existed long before that, silly. Before he absorbed any of the Kais, he was Kid Buu. Kid Buu is his original, purest form.

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Yes, cept back then he wouldn't have any of the copied abilities nor the power he absorbed from the Kais. And I don't think Bibidi would let Kid Buu off his leash. If any thing you'd be forced to spare a character slot for Bibidi as Kid Buu isn't cogent enough to make any major decisions beyond destroy

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Kid Buu isn't cogent enough to make any major decisions beyond destroy


Alas, herein lies the problem. I'm sure Chris will have some way around that though.


Oh, and in my next post (maybe not tonight, but by tomorrow it'll be up - by then, it'll be New Year's Eve~), Isamy will reveal the existence of the fourth wall to Shadronus and show him just how insignificant and meaningless he is. Well, he might know about it already, considering that he's an Outer God, but it doesn't hurt to have a reminder.

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Yes, cept back then he wouldn't have any of the copied abilities nor the power he absorbed from the Kais. And I don't think Bibidi would let Kid Buu off his leash. If any thing you'd be forced to spare a character slot for Bibidi as Kid Buu isn't cogent enough to make any major decisions beyond destroy


I've just been treating this entire thing like a video game, honestly, you can use whoever because it's a giant character selection screen and these fights are just fights after selecting characters. But story and plot all you want I guess.

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Yes, cept back then he wouldn't have any of the copied abilities nor the power he absorbed from the Kais. And I don't think Bibidi would let Kid Buu off his leash. If any thing you'd be forced to spare a character slot for Bibidi as Kid Buu isn't cogent enough to make any major decisions beyond destroy


Let Buu off his leash?  Am I the only one who recalls Buu nearly killing Bibidi of his own accord? Also, cogency is irrelevant.  Kid Buu was smart enough to locate his target, and move everything that wasn't his target out of the way or erase it.  Also, his speech and mannerisms are silly, but he's not mentally retarded.  Seems pretty straight forward to me.  Bad hide and seek, but still.  That being said, he retained his copied abilities from previous forms.  Meaning, since Super Buu, he would already have I-Transmission and Super Kamehameha.  So that's not a problem either (those being the only current copied abilities I really want).  The rest are his own.  Now if I was playing something like a T-rex, I could understand having only Killer Instinct (Rated M for Mature).  But meh.

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