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The Grand Crossover RP - Pathway to Origin [OOC/Apps Closed for Finale]

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Gosh, I want SOOO much for Sayer to just majorly cock-block Ragnarok (not so much out of spite, but because he's also been collecting souls off-screen). Pretty please? Oh, please, just grant me this one small indulgence

Well I'm pretty sure is going to cock-block any true attempt, but since it will save me having to find the app and edit in Sennonzakura I don't mind this once. Besides it will allow Butlerok to hunt for Yachiru's corpse lol

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I want Ed to find his body first.  Then you can eat him in front of Ed.


Er, someone HAS to die in the coliseum (Sykes has a quota), I can probably figure something out in releasing Ed IF Ed survives. However, if Sayer is going to eat Byakuya anyway, than I shall make no such effort, haha.



This, although that means that Ayame and Ed would have to be able to get away from the monsters they're fighting first. Of course, Sykes is near the battle with Apocrypha.


We've got five days left until it would be against the rules to bump it. Want to stage a revival? For the record, I'm sorry for not posting in there as much as I should have.

I'm just gonna remake it. If you want, I can contact you at a later point when we reach the Opalagon and such (If we get that far) and you can repost your app. How's that sound?


I REALLY wanted my Demonic King Balberos to start being used in that Role Play. I will gladly join a remake if I can use him, and if I can't I will make some other villain.



I don't think it's a word. I gave him that name in Return of Yliaster three years just because it sounded cool and unique at the time, though the other servant character was named Nova (now her name's Dáðnova). It's kinda funny how hardly anyone has noticed that it isn't Vigilance, but I chose not to correct anyone to see if they actually noticed.


Speaking of Viligance, Samhain! He already asked Sayer to open the portal thingie, so could you open it, pretty pweez? :3

Of course Viligance is a word; it's Vigilance spelled wrong :P


I, he, she Viligance(Wumbo)? (Wumboing) Viligancing, the study of (Wumbology) Viligology? Come on, it's first grade stuff.

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Er, someone HAS to die in the coliseum (Sykes has a quota), I can probably figure something out in releasing Ed IF Ed survives. However, if Sayer is going to eat Byakuya anyway, than I shall make no such effort, haha.


Technically, Ed already is dead, he's just on a failed recovery mission of the bodies of Kenpachi and Yachiru. I think we can finagle a way out.

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Technically, Ed already is dead, he's just on a failed recovery mission of the bodies of Kenpachi and Yachiru. I think we can finagle a way out.


Oh no, the Coliseum is inescapable. What's the point of having a trap that people can escape from? No, no.


EDIT: Well, not completely inescapable. It's modeled on an old D&D dungeon you could escape from

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I'm just gonna remake it. If you want, I can contact you at a later point when we reach the Opalagon and such (If we get that far) and you can repost your app. How's that sound?

Okay, that works.

Oh no, the Coliseum is inescapable. What's the point of having a trap that people can escape from? No, no.


EDIT: Well, not completely inescapable. It's modeled on an old D&D dungeon you could escape from

I think Simdoggy should have a say in this.

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Ah, just back from watching Time of the Doctor~ really epic stuff right there.


Anyway, Simdoggy has kept up a fair amount of activity, so I'm sure he'll show up pretty soon.


Sayer/Periphery/B4 Day

"You don't have to shout, Vigilance," Sayer muttered under his breath, having heard the suit of armor's demand from across the dimensions. "Now, you had better be sure that this plan of yours will work. Otherwise, I'll have to reconsider our little "partnership" in a way that I assure you will not enjoy...."

Isamy's Castle

As this was being said, the R.O.D. that was left with Vigilance expanded to a grand size. If Vigilance had any sense of touch, he could actually feel a slight draft coming from the R.O.D.'s pupil.

"Proceed inside when you're ready."


That's TINY. Like, an afternote to a large post. How was I supposed to see that? ._.

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I just but Necra in A1... Don't know how Dorian's sensors work; but I'd guess Necra would not register being a human, at the very least,


I'm still thinking of an opponent for the Sharon body to fight.  It's really hard to think of something that opposes Sharon Caile on a fundamental level; all I keep thinking of are general powerhouses =/.

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Sooo this small planet does it have a core and how would it react to to super power fighting inside it lol


Also Cosmos basically tells Dorian something is there. The only thing he can tell if its human, specter or something else (the only things he's encountered as a specter) that's about it.

It's superdense, I think if you fought inside of it you would die, crushed under the weight of all the planet's gravity. Even if you are super powered

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Sooo this small planet does it have a core and how would it react to to super power fighting inside it lol


Also Cosmos basically tells Dorian something is there. The only thing he can tell if its human, specter or something else (the only things he's encountered as a specter) that's about it.


Trying to make Kratos revisit the Underworld on another planet.  DAMN IT MAN THIS WOULD HAVE BEEN GENIUS.

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That's TINY. Like, an afternote to a large post. How was I supposed to see that? ._.


Sayer: *enters the OoC Thread, his body from the neck down having been turned into that of a woman*  "Well, that's what you get for speed-reading, too."


Russell Oxford: O__o  "Wait, is that... Carla's body?!"


Sayer: "What's the matter?  Does me having this body give you confused feelings?" *makes a "come hither" pose*


Russell:  "... ... ... ... ... ..." *turns around and throws up in Arthuria's lap*


Sayer: "... well, can't say that I wasn't expecting that sort of response...." -__-;


K. Xathers (Samhain): See, told you guys I'd embarrass Sayer.


Sayer: "Who said anything about "embarrassed"?  Next step, I intend on doing a pole-dancing strip-tease."  []-3


K. Xathers: "... ... ... ... ... ... ... ..." *proceeds to vomit into Isamy's lap*

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Sooo this small planet does it have a core and how would it react to to super power fighting inside it lol


The core is super dense, extremely hot, and is currently reserved, unfortunately enough :P but I guess if you do decide to go down there somehow without dying, then the plot would start moving faster~

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OwO The Core...

Quick! Find a crazy black man with a beard who knows a bunch of sciency crap and lives out in a remote location, a jerkass popular scientist who has potential to be redeemed for his sins, a stereotypical Eastern European dude, a computer nerd, a Space Shuttle pilot, a military commander no one cares about because he's also a jerkass, and Aaron Eckhart!

Oh, and make at least 2 of those female.

Though not Aaron Eckhart.

He's cool.

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OwO The Core...

Quick! Find a crazy black man with a beard who knows a bunch of sciency crap and lives out in a remote location, a jerkass popular scientist who has potential to be redeemed for his sins, a stereotypical Eastern European dude, a computer nerd, a Space Shuttle pilot, a military commander no one cares about because he's also a jerkass, and Aaron Eckhart!

Oh, and make at least 2 of those female.

Though not Aaron Eckhart.

He's cool.


Don't forget about that OTHER thing you've only put one post of effort into.


Seriously, the Glory needs to do something. I want to see the reaction it has towards everyone else it encounters.

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