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The Grand Crossover RP - Pathway to Origin [OOC/Apps Closed for Finale]

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Merciful, don't shoot me.  I was just moving things along.  And yes, he's kinda like a zombie because he's essentially being manipulated.  But because he's retaining his part of his own mind somewhere, his body almost looks like it's collapsing.  He's gonna move funny.  It'll be like fighting drunk Rock Lee.  So heads up to all of you.

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  On 12/4/2013 at 4:47 PM, Satsui no Hadou said:

In closing, could I ask you to please not be a scathing and insulting blight?

That's pretty much saying "Can you stop calling me stupid, you scumbag?" If you're going to ask him not to insult you, you MIGHT want to tone it down on your own insults.

  On 12/4/2013 at 5:34 PM, Satsui no Hadou said:

That is part of the reason why I am completely removing that. I was considering the possibility of his repliroid form being capable of self repair when not being used, i.e. when he's in human form, but I don't know how well that would go over.


Also, Shadronus isn't a God. He is an Outer God, meaning he no longer belongs to any one universe and is far more grand and complex and way to broken to actively use then a normal God would be, at least for rp settings. This is why he is specifically being kept in his realm and will only observe things as they happen, and MAYBE serve as a plot device later, depending on who wants to do what and how. Additionally, he has no desire to involve himself in events happening outside his domain.


So long story short, he's a way overpowered version of The Watcher, except The Watcher actually gives a damn, whereas Shadronus keeps to his realm regardless of who does what for why outside of it.

You do realize you just said that he's MORE overpowered than what Mugen thought, right?

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At least I'm being honest, and in all honesty, it doesn't really matter how overpowered he is if the extent of his use is for observation and as a potential plot device later on. He has no interest in the conflict itself, and until his and his domain's existence are threatened (and I honestly don't see that happening prior the final conflict at the door of origin itself), he just isn't going to involve himself, at least not as he is now.


I've been tossing around the idea of him breaking himself into a spirit personage, physical personage, and digital personage, with his physical personage joining the fight as Torma Ximnus, who will be mortal and able to be killed. I've also been considering that it will be the last thing he does after doing some time travel shenanigans, that way he will still be available for possible plot device shenanigans, and honestly, even if he does end up being used as a plot device prior to the split, it's going to be him granting some item, power, or other boon to a character or character's that will allow events to have a more favorable outcome for him. As an Outer God, he will not be stepping into the battle at all.

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  On 12/4/2013 at 11:03 PM, Satsui no Hadou said:

At least I'm being honest, and in all honesty, it doesn't really matter how overpowered he is if the extent of his use is for observation and as a potential plot device later on. He has no interest in the conflict itself, and until his and his domain's existence are threatened (and I honestly don't see that happening prior the final conflict at the door of origin itself), he just isn't going to involve himself, at least not as he is now.


I've been tossing around the idea of him breaking himself into a spirit personage, physical personage, and digital personage, with his physical personage joining the fight as Torma Ximnus, who will be mortal and able to be killed. I've also been considering that it will be the last thing he does after doing some time travel shenanigans, that way he will still be available for possible plot device shenanigans, and honestly, even if he does end up being used as a plot device prior to the split, it's going to be him granting some item, power, or other boon to a character or character's that will allow events to have a more favorable outcome for him. As an Outer God, he will not be stepping into the battle at all.

Well observers aren't really conducive to the story. If anything its arrogance, I mean I was going to pick one of the twins to join the fight and they're Gods. They still would have fought though.

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  On 12/4/2013 at 5:20 PM, Mugendramon said:

So Zero made a character that's a god. You let it happen.




As long as the god doesn't try to interfere with the story :I the only reason I accepted him was so that there was an adequate origin for his other character, Clerano. I can't accept characters without origins.


But I admit, it does bother me to have an all-powerful god just watching the Origin War like it's some kind of game, and the threat of him just deciding to come in and interfere with the plot and everything is a looming one. I'll have to trust Satsui on that.

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*Sigh* Honestly, all of you are complaining about something that SHADOW ZERO has made.


Broken, I could care less if you'll give him the benefit of the doubt, nor for the fact that you like to complain about everything wrong about every character he makes. He's accepted, so suck it up and be a good boy. <_<


Everybody that has a problem with Satsui, leave him alone. He doesn't need all this unnecessary roughness. Just letting you all know.


I got your back, Shadow. That, I can guarantee. ;)



Anyway, Mugen, I'm still waiting for a response towards my post.

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  On 12/5/2013 at 12:12 AM, Muten Roshi said:

*Sigh* Honestly, all of you are complaining about something that SHADOW ZERO has made.


Broken, I could care less if you'll give him the benefit of the doubt, nor for the fact that you like to complain about everything wrong about every character he makes. He's accepted, so suck it up and be a good boy. <_<


Everybody that has a problem with Satsui, leave him alone. He doesn't need all this unnecessary roughness. Just letting you all know.


I got your back, Shadow. That, I can guarantee. ;)


The thing with Shadow, according to Broken and to an extent what I myself gather, is that as you saw his character was kind of flawed. He's fixing it so that's done, but the point is there is a certain amount of unexplained stuff you can say "you can trust me on that" about while still being believable.


"Trusting someone" that their god!character won't interfere is all good and fine... until someone takes the trouble to figure out a way to kill your character for example. Lookie there, you have a literal Deus Ex Machina right there, in your character list. Not cool.


Hear that, Isamy? There's an Outer God right outside the universe. Some prick out here can control it. You're funked.

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No need to worry, Roshi. Worrying about even the mere presence of an unbelievably broken character in an rp is a valid concern. Additionally, I DID literally ask for Broke. N's review (however scathing it was), so it's call good.


That said, Blaze's re-edited app. I think I fixed/explained/removed all the major issues.


[spoiler=Blaze Firasto]

"If you go easy on me, you're going to get hurt."
Username: Shadow Zero
Name: Blaze Firasto
Age: Indeterminate
Gender: Appears to be male

[spoiler=Armor Form]




[spoiler=Human Form]



Origin: I'll find the link after this is posted.

Biography: Blaze Firasto was originally a Net Navigator program known as Exilion.Exe. In his universe, he and his Net Operator Viral were part of a group that worked together to bring down some of the most dangerous villains and cybervillains in their world. However, one enemy got the better of them. While trapped in a fusion between real world and cyberspace due to a global virtual field that allowed the real world and cyberspace to interact, Viral was attacked. He synchornized with his Exiolion.exe for the two of them to become one being and bring down their enemies. However, they were unprepared for theie enemy's ultimate weapon, which almost completely destroyed them in one shot, and left them adrift in cyberspace.

Barely alive and badly damaged, the two of them were found by Shadronus Zeravo and brough into his realm. This being during a period of time when Shadronus was still quite mad, they were made his next experiment subjects, as he researched the fusion of the digital and the physical. During the process, he repaired their data, and made many alterations and enhancements to them. They lost their memory of who they were in the process, and remodeled after Flame Stagger, a Repliroid from the Mega Man universe. They now being a single entity, He was given a new name, Blaze Firasto, but Blaze was not content with being a prison of Shadronus's domain. He sought to free himself and begin living his own life, which he only barely managed to achieve at a time when Shadronus was intent on another one of his projects. Having accomplished this by damaging a machine that Shadronus used to tap into the timestream to view any point in time and space that he wished, he was blasted into hypertime, and into the world where the namesake that he was modeled after had originated.

Though this was where Flame Stagger was born, it was many hundred years after that time, and there was a war being waged. After many failed attempts at finding someone who could tell him where he was and what was going on, Blaze found his way to a Maverick Hunter who, while astonished that Blaze didn't seem to understand what was going on, still filled him in. Blaze volunteered to help, and after passing all of the required tests with increasingly satisfactory marks, he was enlisted as a Maverick Hunter. As the war raged on, Blaze led several successful battles, reclaiming lost territory, and even capturing Mavericks to be taken back to HQ and plugged into a machine that could correct the coding in their system so that they were no longer Mavericks, and could be trained as Maverick Hunters. Blaze also recieved numerous upgrades that increased his fighting capabilities, and even given a program that would allow him to analyze the abilities of the enemies that he was fighting and create his own version of the attacks that they used, as long as the techniques weren't completely incompatible with his system.

During the final siege against the last Maverick stronghold, the Maverick's final resort was revealed; a weapon with enough power to punch a hole in the fabric of reality. In spite of the best efforts that the Maverick Hunters could muster, the weapon fired, slowly tearing apart the entire world. Blaze Firasto was trapped in the blast, and began falling into the Abyss. In that moment, he saw a man not too far from him. Assuming that it was the same man that had imprisoned him in that accursed domain of his, Blaze rocketed away without even giving the man a chance to speak. Now he is falling through the sky, about to have one of his biggest crash landings ever.

Personality: Blaze Firasto is a warrior, but he also yearns for a peaceful life. He fights not out of necessity or want of battle, but to better himself and perfect the Way of the Fire Fist, a combination of fire attacks and martial arts disciplines. Blaze is not the social type, in the strictest of senses, but he is able to get along with others. When he meets fellow warriors, he makes it clear that he's up for a fight any time, and that he won't hold back. In spite of this, and his occasional hot-headedness, Blaze always makes sure that he treats everyone with the utmost respect, and even shows more deference to his foes than anyone else would. He's even been known to refuse fighting someone if that person is injured or weak, insisting that to due so would be a stain on his honor. He never makes exceptions to this rule, except when the lives and fates of others are on the line in that immediate moment.

Faction: Counter Corps.

Important Artifact Stolen: The artifact stolen from Blaze's dimension is unknown at this time, but it is thought that the final weapon of the Maverick Insurrectionists had it's core composed of the core fragments of the Original Sigma, X, and Zero, as well as the core fragments of the nine Biometals. As for the dimension he was from as Exilion, there's no way to tell what it could be. The best guess is that it's a piece of data, or even a whole program. For all we know, it could even be a net-navi.


Powers/Equipment: Due to the nature of his creation from the remnants of his previous selves, Blaze is capable of both a human and repliroid form that are separate from each other. When he enters his repliroid form, his organic self is digitized and held as data in a protected internal compartment of his armor.

Blaze’s armor is capable of withstanding armor piercing rounds and explosions up the 20 megatons of force.

While in his Repliroid form, Blaze has an internal heat core capable of a great amount of output. However, the core and interal network that manages the heat output can only hold in so much heat at a time, so the hotter Blaze burns, the greater the chance that he could fry or melt parts of his internal systems.

Blaze is capable of of generating and shooting fire from his mouth, hands, and feet.

Blaze is well versed in several different styles of martial arts and uses this knowledge as a part of his fighting style. Additionally, Blaze was given the ability of fire bending during his time as a captive experimental subject. Since it was added to the protected core area that holds the digital data of his organic self, this ability carries over to his human form as well.

Blaze can shoot fire imbued plasma bullets from his hands a either charged or uncharged shots. The Maximum firing rate of uncharged shots are 15 rounds per second per hand while the firing rate of fully shots are one round per second per hand.

As a Repliroid, Blaze can enter an overheat state that allows for continual fire output, allowing him to fire at up to eight times his maximum weapons fire rate.



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Honestly, I don't know that the original flame stag would have had problems with armor piercing or not, and I am quite certain he wouldn't have had trouble with internal systems melting, and Blaze would be a far superior version of Flame Stag in many respects, including armor and internal systems.


I forgot to mention that Blaze can generate and shoot fire from his hands, feat, and mouth, so I am going to edit that in right quick. Other than that, this is pretty much what I am going with for Blaze.

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c4, you have someone's back like a backpack does. He asked, and I in turn gave. You can't fault me for giving him what he wanted.
But dearest Merc, can you HONESTLY believe that Shadow's walking Deux ex Machina won't be a problem when he has this: "He is also capable of stealing the abilities and powers of others, but he chooses not to unless there is a great enough need for it"; as one of his powers? What exactly is 'a great enough need' precisely? Because, if my assumptions are correct, they can be defined as 'when my other characters are losing'. He can literally pop in with one of the many inventions he conveniently forgot to mention after seeing one of his 'creations' about to be defeated. Then he could just snap his fingers, and suddenly the winning side is bereft of powers and abilities. Then, Clerano or Blaze are just free to kill them unopposed.


I don't know about you, but I certainly wouldn't want that kind of Sword of Damocles hanging over an entire side like that. It's just not fair to the Divine when they already have a Counter Guardian to deal with, and then they have to deal with the fact that two CC owned by the same person have a Guardian God+1 who is free to Deus ex Machina for them whenever.

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I actually edited that in there as an afterthought. In thruth, it's not needed, and it's been removed during the app editing that I've been doing.


Also, you are assuming that Shadronus cares whether or not his creations are destroyed. He doesn't. If they end up getting destroyed/killed, then that's their fault, and he is under no obligation to forestall their demise. They left his realm, after all.


Anyway Broke. N, did you see any glaring problems with the app for Clerano? I'm already removing the thing about absorbing kinetic force/energy/whatever, because there is just no clear way that it can be defined without being highly abusable.

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You would do best to actually define magic. It's a very broad subject and there are A LOT of branches of it; such as the Mancies, Levitation, Summoning, etc. You need to be much clearer about what Clerano can and cannot do with his magic.


Also, what do you even mean by "Is able to manipulate and use his own aura as an external force"? What does that entail exactly? Does he just turn it solid and b***h slap people? Or will he just be firing Aura Spheres? Aura is a very glib subject and needs proper definition as not everyone even understands it.


What you fail to get is that it's never the character's will, it's your will. And someone like you would be highly tempted to do that sort of thing. I've been messing around with various powers for a while, and I can always see broken power potentials. It's never a question of will he? But a question of won't he? It's a potential problem that can very easily arise should temptation prove too great.

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He won't because I won't, and if I did, I would likely get thrown out of the rp, and if I wasn't thrown out, than I would lose the trust of my fellow rpers, if there was even any there to begin with.


Defining magic was actually the part I was having trouble with, because it's a difficult line to walk in defining his restrictions while still allowing him to remain versatile.I do know that he won't be doing summons, though, so that at least gives me a starting point.

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If you don't, then why bother making him? You wasted a character slot for an author insert just to justify the existence of another character when it would have been just as easy to dip from the ever expansive multiverse before you; then all you get is wasted effort.


If you never intended to use him then why bother making his powers at all?

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It's not that I don't intend to use him. It's that I don't intend to use him in a fashion that is directly interfering. He could still grant boons or whatever t those who can find their way into his domain, which actually is possible, now that the fabric of the many different multiversal dimensions seem to be tearing themselves apart. There's also my previous post where I described what I plan for what ultimately happens to him.



[spoiler=Final App Edits (I hope)]

[spoiler=Blaze Firasta]

"If you go easy on me, you're going to get hurt."

Username: Shadow Zero

Name: Blaze Firasto

Age: Indeterminate

Gender: Appears to be male


[spoiler=Armor Form]




[spoiler=Human Form]




Origin: I'll find the link after this is posted.


Biography: Blaze Firasto was originally a Net Navigator program known as Exilion.Exe. In his universe, he and his Net Operator Viral were part of a group that worked together to bring down some of the most dangerous villains and cybervillains in their world. However, one enemy got the better of them. While trapped in a fusion between real world and cyberspace due to a global virtual field that allowed the real world and cyberspace to interact, Viral was attacked. He synchornized with his Exiolion.exe for the two of them to become one being and bring down their enemies. However, they were unprepared for theie enemy's ultimate weapon, which almost completely destroyed them in one shot, and left them adrift in cyberspace.

Barely alive and badly damaged, the two of them were found by Shadronus Zeravo and brough into his realm. This being during a period of time when Shadronus was still quite mad, they were made his next experiment subjects, as he researched the fusion of the digital and the physical. During the process, he repaired their data, and made many alterations and enhancements to them. They lost their memory of who they were in the process, and remodeled after Flame Stagger, a Repliroid from the Mega Man universe. They now being a single entity, He was given a new name, Blaze Firasto, but Blaze was not content with being a prison of Shadronus's domain. He sought to free himself and begin living his own life, which he only barely managed to achieve at a time when Shadronus was intent on another one of his projects. Having accomplished this by damaging a machine that Shadronus used to tap into the timestream to view any point in time and space that he wished, he was blasted into hypertime, and into the world where the namesake that he was modeled after had originated.

Though this was where Flame Stagger was born, it was many hundred years after that time, and there was a war being waged. After many failed attempts at finding someone who could tell him where he was and what was going on, Blaze found his way to a Maverick Hunter who, while astonished that Blaze didn't seem to understand what was going on, still filled him in. Blaze volunteered to help, and after passing all of the required tests with increasingly satisfactory marks, he was enlisted as a Maverick Hunter. As the war raged on, Blaze led several successful battles, reclaiming lost territory, and even capturing Mavericks to be taken back to HQ and plugged into a machine that could correct the coding in their system so that they were no longer Mavericks, and could be trained as Maverick Hunters. Blaze also recieved numerous upgrades that increased his fighting capabilities, and even given a program that would allow him to analyze the abilities of the enemies that he was fighting and create his own version of the attacks that they used, as long as the techniques weren't completely incompatible with his system.

During the final siege against the last Maverick stronghold, the Maverick's final resort was revealed; a weapon with enough power to punch a hole in the fabric of reality. In spite of the best efforts that the Maverick Hunters could muster, the weapon fired, slowly tearing apart the entire world. Blaze Firasto was trapped in the blast, and began falling into the Abyss. In that moment, he saw a man not too far from him. Assuming that it was the same man that had imprisoned him in that accursed domain of his, Blaze rocketed away without even giving the man a chance to speak. Now he is falling through the sky, about to have one of his biggest crash landings ever.


Personality: Blaze Firasto is a warrior, but he also yearns for a peaceful life. He fights not out of necessity or want of battle, but to better himself and perfect the Way of the Fire Fist, a combination of fire attacks and martial arts disciplines. Blaze is not the social type, in the strictest of senses, but he is able to get along with others. When he meets fellow warriors, he makes it clear that he's up for a fight any time, and that he won't hold back. In spite of this, and his occasional hot-headedness, Blaze always makes sure that he treats everyone with the utmost respect, and even shows more deference to his foes than anyone else would. He's even been known to refuse fighting someone if that person is injured or weak, insisting that to due so would be a stain on his honor. He never makes exceptions to this rule, except when the lives and fates of others are on the line in that immediate moment.


Faction: Counter Corps.


Important Artifact Stolen: The artifact stolen from Blaze's dimension is unknown at this time, but it is thought that the final weapon of the Maverick Insurrectionists had it's core composed of the core fragments of the Original Sigma, X, and Zero, as well as the core fragments of the nine Biometals. As for the dimension he was from as Exilion, there's no way to tell what it could be. The best guess is that it's a piece of data, or even a whole program. For all we know, it could even be a net-navi.


Powers/Equipment: Due to the nature of his creation from the remnants of his previous selves, Blaze is capable of both a human and repliroid form that are separate from each other. When he enters his repliroid form, his organic self is digitized and held as data in a protected internal compartment of his armor.

Blaze’s armor is capable of withstanding armor piercing rounds and explosions up the 20 megatons of force.

While in his Repliroid form, Blaze has an internal heat core capable of a great amount of output. However, the core and interal network that manages the heat output can only hold in so much heat at a time, so the hotter Blaze burns, the greater the chance that he could fry or melt parts of his internal systems.

Blaze is capable of generating and shooting flames from his mouth, hands, and feet.

Blaze is well versed in several different styles of martial arts and uses this knowledge as a part of his fighting style. Additionally, Blaze was given the ability of fire bending during his time as a captive experimental subject. Since it was added to the protected core area that holds the digital data of his organic self, this ability carries over to his human form as well.

Blaze can shoot fire imbued plasma bullets from his hands a either charged or uncharged shots. The Maximum firing rate of uncharged shots are 15 rounds per second per hand while the firing rate of fully shots are one round per second per hand.

As a Repliroid, Blaze can enter an overheat state that allows for continual fire output, allowing him to fire at up to eight times his maximum weapons fire rate.



[spoiler=Shadronusu Zeravo]

Username: Shadow Zero

Name: Shadronus Zeravo

Age: Unknown

Gender: Male





Origin: http://forum.yugiohc...7/#entry4579906

Less descriptive than what I remember, but whatever. The tie-in to his domain is in the rp itself, which is found in the link below.


Biography: Shadronus used to answer to the name Shadow Zero. This is not his real name, and neither is Shadronus. However, he answered to Shadow Zero as it was the name he had chosen in joining the city and community of YCM. He wanted to fit in but didn't know how, and out of a desire to be noticed and accepted, he acted out in outlandishly unusual ways, thinking that it would work. He was wrong, and the sting he felt as a result left him bitter. His bitterness gave way to contempt as he sought to repay in spades those who had spurned him. Because of this, and because of the many laws he broke, he was banished from the place he considered a home. Over the years he wandered, seeking to better himself, and to know how he could avoid repeating the mistakes of his past. Through his journies he became caught up in a war between factions, and found himself facing those who had cast him out. Rather than be angry with them, he was saddened that he had to face them under such circumstances. The war continued for some time, but as suddenly as it had begun, it had ended, and with no clear victor. After the war, Shadronus was invited to rejoin those who had cast him out. Confused though he was at the invitation, he still accepted, and returned from whence he had come before he had committed crimes and broken laws.

After his return there were several more wars, and those he had rejoined eventually parted ways. Shadronus was once again without a place to belong, but unlike before, he didn't try to find a replacement. Instead, he accepted that he had lost what he once had, and decided to create his own home in a place removed from the physical world; a place that had properties of both the physical world and the digital world, where only he could freely enter and leave, and his control was absolute. Now with his own space to do with as he pleased, he withdrew from the world, an ever-growing fascination with himself, his powers, and his inner-workings driving ever more ambitious experiments. Over time, he amassed a number of creations, some which managed to escape and had to be brought back. Shadronus eventually went mad, and stayed mad for a very long time. In his madness, he modified his own genetic makeup so that he was part physical being, part digital denizen, and part ephemeral life-form. Because of this, his body was very unstable, and would fall apart if he left his domain. His madness deepened as a result, but after an untold period of time, he eventually got bored with being mad and went back to being sane again. Shadronus then dedicated his life to learning everything that he could, and has since learned to access the time stream to view events as they happen in their respective points in time, stabilized his body, learned how to attain true immortality, discovered time travel (though he refuses to use that knowledge), and has become an outer god. His creations still manage to escape from his domain from time to time, but he no longer cares to retrieve them, instead being far more interested to see what effects they have on the worlds they end up inhabiting.

Personality: Shadronus is passive, and emotionless for the most part. The emotion he experiences the most is that of sheer boredom, which is only kept at bay by constantly viewing the events that transpire on any given world. He rarely feels entertained anymore, and while becoming personally involved in events that happen outside of his domain might hold the slightest promise of temporarily alleviating his boredom, he just doesn't care to. He instead will, from time to time, live vicariously through those of his creations that have escaped his domain, watching them live their lives and go about their daily business. Once every fifty or so years, he'll pick a point in time that one of his creations is inhabiting and influence that creation in a specific direction, then wait to see what happens as a result.

Faction: I...actually wasn't aware of this being a thing until AFTER I reached this point in character creation. The intent for this character was to have him be a completely separate thing, used only as a source of information for anyone that could make it to him. o_o;

Important Artifact Stolen: Same as above.

Powers/Equipment: Everything he has created, as well as all of the powers, abilities, and equipment that he used in the past.



[spoiler=Clerano Arvent]

Username: Shadow Zero


Name: Clerano Arvent


Age: Inderterminate


Gender: Male


Appearance: Clerano stands at six feet tall. He's white and has a slim build. His eyes are blue, and his hair is a crimson shade of red. The hair is also short, save for a rat tail that goes down to his power back and is about an inch wide, tapering down to a point towards the end. He wears a black short-sleeved shirt with white trim at the edges, save for the bottom of the shirt. His pants and shoes are all black, and the shoes are velcro strap shoes.


Origin: I was kind of hoping to have an entirely new character here. *sighs*


Biography: Clerano was the crowning achievment of Shadronus Zeravo before he became bored of building things. When Clerano escaped, he rapidly regressed into an infant state, then separated into different particles. He was restructured inside the womb of a barren women, to live and grow as inhabitant of the world and unverse that he had escaped to. Clerano made a few friends in life, but he preferred to keep to himself and read books, having acquired his creator's thirst for knowledge. When everything started going wrong, he tried to help stop it. However, he failed miserably, and just before the time he would have died, he gained a vision of things as they should have been. Immediately afterwards, he found himself confronted by someone who was not of his world...someone who offered him a choice.


Personality: Clerano is a fairly level-headed individual. He doesn't go out of his way to socialize all that often, although, preferring to read his books, but there are times when he makes exceptions for those he has grown fond of, or when he needs to talk to others out of necessity. Rather than being reclusive, Clerano is actually very sociable by nature, and the only reason why he doesn't speak with people more often and read his books less, other than his natural desire to learn, is the fact that he finds it annoying having to figure people out.


Faction: The Counter Corps.


Important Artifact Stolen: The artifact is a stone the size of a five-story tower, tapering to a point at its peak. Without it, his world slowly becomes an uninhabitable, inhospitable, volatile planet on which the growth and sustaining of life becomes impossible.


Powers/Equipment: Clerano has two gear-shaped objects that are flat on one side, and curved on the other. He is able to use these for close-ranged combat, as ranged weapons, or to generate shields to protect himself and others with.

Clerano is able to manipulate his aura and use it as an extension of himself, manifesting it as a variable solid that is attached to and enshrouds him. He can also fire off aura blasts in the form of energy attacks.

In addition to his other skills, Clerano is a practitioner of magic, and while he is not versed in summoning spells, he is capable of using attack spells, buff spells that are beneficial to him and his allies, a few healing spells, and spell imbuement. He is also able to cast elemental enchantments to give himself, his weapons, and his allies’ different beneficial benefits depending on the element, i.e. paralytic touch, burning touch, poison touch, etc. If Clerano and his allies has some sort of shared communication device, such as a stone, he can enchant his own communication device and use it as a medium to cast beneficial spells on his allies from a distance.





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I'm afraid that you'll have to stop once you enter the portal, because what you find on the other side is not what you may expect it to be. Or maybe it will be. Maybe there'll be cake. But anyway, because of that, you can't explore the forest just yet.


Anyway, Broken, I think that's enough bashing for one day. You've filled almost an entire page with arguments about a single character (or two) who may or may not be conveniently overpowered, and it leaves a stale taste for anyone who has to read through them, not just Satsui. No fun there. More importantly than the application, let's just let the RP flow naturally and have Satsui continue on with his characters.


Then, if a horrible flaw appears in any of his posts, if his characters magically become unbeatable, that's when you can criticize him.

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