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Sofa King (Mermails)


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Don't run 3 infantry, drawing more than 1 sucks. Don't run Moulin, it's bad this format. Don't run Turge, it's bad in general. I also dislike more than 1 veiler here, but that's most likely a personal thing. I also like megalo at 2, but you can keep it at 3 if you'd like. Max Lindes and Spikes, they're awesome. Run another Stream, and possibly gold sarcs. Run 1 to 2 abyss-qualls. -2 Infantry -1 Moulin -1 Turge -2 veiler -1 megalo +1 linde +1 Spike +1 Stream +2-3 gold sarc +1-2 abyss-quall

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I honestly dunno why you'd suggest Gold Sarc, not only is it pretty damned slow and unneeded considering the forced consistency of this deck, but I'm supposed to be keeping my amount of green cards low...?


Moulin's a tech that I really like because of the occasional Exodia that I normally have no answer at all too.


Linde and Pike are both pretty okay, but I don't like going for a controlly build with Mermails, Heck I play them in a more bursty sorta way and my build reflects that.


Tested Squall, ended up being a tad too slow/situational for my tastes


Stream tends to clog like hell if I run more then one, I've tested it myself honestly.


Turge is, again a tech that I like, I tend to have problems in extended duels if I don't main at least one.


I mean if it sounds like I'm just denying your help, I just find that playing this deck slowly is less fun for me.

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Gold Sarc triggers Tidal you buffoon, allowing you to immediately grab Stream, therein increasing consistency. Exodia is retarded. You shouldn't see much Exodia, and if you face Exodia, punish them game 2 with sides. You need 3 linde because sphere is a damn good card and you want to use it as much as possible. Running Turge over Spike is dum-dum. It doesn't even trigger Atlantans ffs. If you want graveyard recovery, run salvage. But run Spike before that. Stream is really flippin good and 2 is an ideal number.

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