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Fire Fist Are My New Toy

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You need Blasters and Burners for this to work effectively.

+2 Burner

-2 Lance, -Dark Hole
+3 Blaster

- Tensen
+ Tenken (Card's the nuts for Dragons)

-2 Veiler
+1 Rekindling, +1 Foolish

- 2nd Tensen, - Gyokko
+ 2 Sarco

-1 Raven
+1 Hawk

Also -1 Utopia, +1 Temtempo
-1 Leviathan, +1 Lion Emperor
-Zenmaines, +1 Big Eye

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I'd cut the Gyoko and 1 MST for torrentials and a tensen for a tenken. Drop the Utopia for another Tiger King and, since you're not running Blaster, the leviair for a temtempo.


I was thinking about dropping the Gyoko, but I kinda of don't like Torrential anymore...I think I'm going through a phase since almost all the decks I make lately tend to leave Torrential out. I'll add the 2nd Tiger King.



You need Blasters and Burners for this to work effectively.

+2 Burner

-2 Lance, -Dark Hole
+3 Blaster

- Tensen
+ Tenken (Card's the nuts for Dragons)

-2 Veiler
+1 Rekindling, +1 Foolish

- 2nd Tensen, - Gyokko
+ 2 Sarco

-1 Raven
+1 Hawk

Also -1 Utopia, +1 Temtempo
-1 Leviathan, +1 Lion Emperor
-Zenmaines, +1 Big Eye


I honestly don't see the need for the Blasters engine in here. I don't know if it's because I always open relative well on Devpro, but I never found myself saying..."damn I wish I had a Blaster right about now"...I'm open to trying it out though.


My meta is relatively Trap Heavy except for 2 Dragon players and 2 Spellbook players, so Lance is kind of needed. 3 Rekindling seems a bit much and I see no need for Foolish, when Chicken comes out maybe, but other than that Leopard gets himself in the grave well enough and he's searchable. 


I dislike Hawk. Raven is just better, you get your search when hits the grave by any means (even if you synch), he protects your back row, and he has a bigger butt. 


I'll add Temtempo, can't do big eye though since I rather spend that much money on other things.

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