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BurningCrimson - A FireRed Nuzlocke story

The Warden

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So, I wnated to do a Nuzlocke, and like every other person doing one, I feel compelled to tell other people about. So, let's follow the Adventures of Trainer Zachary in a world that is clearly not happy to see him.

[spoiler=Nuzlocke Rules]
Pokemon fainting = Death
No Revives
Catch the first pokemon found in each area (excluding repeats and shinies)
Names are decided by a randomizer and a prepared list
If given a choice of multiple pokemon, a dice roll/coin flip will decide which is taken
Repels can only be used if the treck through a route has been completed[/spoiler]

[spoiler=Adventure 1]
Adventure 1: Beginning A Journey Just Like any Other

Suddenly, trainer Zachary awoke from the strangest of fever dreams. It was rather bizarre, since it involved Professor Oak telling him stuff he already knew about Pokemon, then the crazy old bastard forgot that he was a boy… and his name, despite knowing him for, well, all his life. He also forgot Gary’s name as well. And then afterward, Zachary was randomly shrunk.

He shook away the headache caused by the dream as he remembered he was in his room, which was oddly the only bedroom in the house. In front of him was his NES, Azelf was this thing old, but his mom was so old fashioned she wouldn’t even get him a Nintendo 64.

This was a bit of a sour note to him. “Oak got Gary a Wii, but noooo, she thinks the NES is still the most hip thing around. Thank Arceus I got my trainer card after Mother let me sit my trainer exam on my fifteenth, even though other kids get to take it at ten. Gawd!” he thought bitterly as he withdrew the Potion from his personal PC.

He stared at the little purple spray intently. Boy, it was lucky he managed to sneak this past Mother. She didn’t want him to have anything to do with those dangerous creatures, and he had to sneak this thing in inside his pants. When she noticed, urgh, he would much rather have had an erection when she made that little aside.

He shuddered slightly, and added the Potion to his backpack. This was going to be the day, finally, this day.

With confidence, he quietly tip-toed down the stairs. He froze a few steps down when he saw Mother. She was sitting at the table, looking at the flat surface intently. From what Zachary could see, her face was quite red. Had she been… crying?

His old joggers barely made a sound as they descended each step, this was one Dragonite he didn’t want to disturb. As his feet dusted the bottom step- “So, you’re leaving now?”

He froze in place. The woman still had her back to him, but her hearing was unparalleled. “Yes. I’m leaving now.”

She didn’t turn her head, just still staring at the table. “I see.”

She violently lifted from her seat and wrenched her body around; her red cried out face in full view of her son. “If you’re going to go, give momma one last hug!”

She held her arms out pitifully to Zachary, how could he refuse? He ran into her arms and she held him so tightly. He tried to pull away, but her arms were like a vice. “Mom, please. I have to go. Oak might give all three starters to Gary.”

She hesitantly released her son, and wiped away a single tear. A sniffle was suppressed, and she looked away. “Fine, go then. I packed your bag with all the essentials, so, just go.”

Seeing how that was the end of that, Zachary just left. And as he did, he left the last fifteen years of his life behind for a new journey, his first Pokemon adventure.


It was a perfectly clear day, and the sunlight danced a merry jig all around. Pallet Town had been his whole life for fifteen years, and god they had been boring as hell. He hadn’t even been allowed to go to Viridian City, except on Mother’s shopping trips. And even then he had been forced to stay near her at all times.

But that was behind him now. But, for one last thing. Zachary stared at the signpost that had always been a part of his house’s fence. He read aloud the words he had said many times before:

Pallet Town
Shades of your journey await!

Zachary never really understood what that meant, or if it was some kind of pun. Either way, to adventure he thought as he walked the few steps to Oak Labs.


Adventure it seems, was put on halt since Oak wasn’t even in his lab. “Crusty old bastard is probably having one of his daily fifty naps. Seriously, HE’S the absolute knowledge of Pokemon? Bah!”

With nothing else to do, some exploring could help things, get to know Route 1 a bit more.

As he neared the gap in the trees that lead the way, Professor Oak jumped out from behind one of them. “HEY!” he cried.

Zachary tripped as he jumped back and landed ass down. “Mesprit Oak! You scared the crap out of me. What were you doing standing behind a tree?!” Zachary demanded.

The old man laughed loudly as he leant on the tree. “Oh I do this for every new trainer. Always so eager to begin their journeys” Oak sighed happily.

Zachary gave Oak a look that was the cross between bemusement and anger. He maintained the expression as he hoisted himself up. “Right, so, can I get my Pokemon now so I CAN begin my journey?”

Oak’s dreamy look faded as he looked straight through the newbie. “Huh? Oh, right, right. Come along to my labs, Gary will no doubt be waiting there that impetuous youth he is.”

And so, Oak lead Zachary to his labs to hopefully finally begin his Pokemon journey.


Gary was indeed waiting rather impatiently for Oak, and he sneered as Zachary was with him. “Gramps, what are you giving this loser a Pokemon for? Wouldn’t it be better off being raised by his Mother?”

Zachary glared at his rival, and prepared a comeback he’ll have to say later when Oak wasn’t around. Oak however, merely chortled jovially at his grandson’s remark. He gave a confident and reaffirming pat on his back. “Ho ho ho, very amusing Gary. But no, young Zachary has passed his trainer’s exam, and has the right to have a partner Pokemon. Now then, I know you are both eager to have a Pokemon, so Zachary, choose your Partner first.”

Gary pouted in anger as Zachary looked over the three balls on the table. “Why does he get to go first?”

Oak pulled his grandson close to him. “So you can choose the one that beats his, obviously” he whispered.

Gary nodded, but said nothing. Zachary on the other hand, picked up a Pokeball. “I want this one” he decided.

Oak nodded. “Very well, release your Pokemon, and don’t forget to give it a nickname, in accordance the Pokemon Naming Rule of 32” he stated.

[spoiler=Trainer’s Handbook: Pokemon Naming Rule of 32]
Due to the mass confusion caused by trainers not nicknaming their Pokemon, it has been decreed by the Pokemon League that all trainers must nickname their Pokemon.

The Pokemon League is perfectly aware that two of the same Pokemon species may have the same nickname, but the League has found that confusing two Pidgey named Birdy is much more preferable to a room full of 50 Pidgey without a nickname.[/spoiler]

Zachary twisted his hat back with gusto as he hurled his shiny red ball. In a bright flash of red light, a Bulbasaur was released. “Yo wassup? You my trainer? Cool, you a’ight” he said.

Zachary nodded, it wasn’t a bad Bulbasaur either. “Yeah, I’m your trainer. And I’m going to name you, hold on-”

Fiddling about inside his bag, Zachary withdrew a D20 and a sheet of paper. “Ah, The Nicknaming Law of 33” Oak remarked.

[spoiler=Trainer’s Handbook: Pokemon Nicknaming Law of 33]
After the Pokemon Naming Rule of 32, the Pokemon League has created this Law after some, rather silly incidents.

As of now, all Trainers may only nickname a Pokemon from a list of names approved by the Pokemon League, with only one silly nickname allowed. Any Trainer may only carry two lists: One for Male Pokemon & one for Female Pokemon. So there is to be no more cases of Mega Ultra Pidgey.

Addendum 33-1: Under NO circumstances will any Pokemon that learns Gust, or any other wind related move be nicknamed My Butt. For that matter, no Pokemon may be called My Butt, period.

That also applies to nicknaming a Pokemon Penis. Come on, these aren’t robots they’re living animals, show some maturity.

Zachary read through his list of names as eh cast the D20, which clattered across the table until it landed on 19. Scanning his list, Zachary found the name. “Okay my new partner, your name will now be Hiro the Bulbasur.”

Hiro raised one of his vines up, to give a thumbs up. “Sweet, okay partner. Let’s go do stuff.”

As Zachary tried to leave, he was caught, off guard. “Hold it there chump!”

Craning his neck around, Zachary saw Gary standing by the table, his hand on his ball. “Wait, wasn’t that one the…? Oh that asshole!”

Gary smirked as he lightly tossed the ball up and down, up and down. “Let’s have a battle first, to see which Pokemon is tougher” he sneered

You mean an excuse to kick my ass? Fat chance loser. Bring it on Grandpa’s Boy, Hiro here will roll your Pokemon easy” Zachary declared.

Hiro managed to bob his pudgy little neck with a nod.

Gary sneered as he hurled his ball, releasing a glowing golden salamander. A trail of sparkles were cast in his wake. Zachary was dumbstruck. “Your Charmander was a freaking shiny?! Oak, you suck, you know that?”

Gary laughed arrogantly. “The only one who’s going to suck here is you. Let’s go loser.”

“Hiro, tackle attack!” Zachary ordered.

The plant reptile thing leapt at the order, head butting the lizard strongly. It rolled on the tiled floor a little, but managed to stand. “That was low, scratch him Slifer!” Gary rebutted.

The shiny lizard raked his claw passed Hiro and cut deeply into his bulb.


The battle had gotten desperate now, as both Pokemon were one hit away from losing. Slifer had been acting much faster than Hiro, who had taken a hit to his back leg which really slowed him down. At this rate, Zachary was going to lose his first battle and his only Pokemon. “Okay, think, thiiink. Hiro is going to lose right now, I need to encourage him. What’s the most heroic and inspiring speech ever? Wait, I GOT IT!”

Slifer was preparing for his next attack, there was not much time. “Hiro! I believe in you. So believe in me who believes in your head which is burning red. Your fury will put an end to the evil which has stalked the land for centuries. So strike him down if you’re happy and you know it. TACKLE HIM NOW!”

The speech wasn’t as intended course, but it did the trick as Hiro rammed Slifer whilst the lizard was trying to understand what the human had just said. This moment of lost guard bought him a one way roll across the floor and a slam right into the wall.

He tried to push himself up, but to no avail as he collapsed on the ground. Gary returned his Pokemon in a fit. “Whatever, you got lucky because I picked the worst Pokemon. Smell ya later loser!”

Gary then stomped to go through a temper tantrum. Oak however, applauded the victor. “Well done young Zach, you managed to overcome a type weakness and pull out heroically, despite some rather unorthodox methods. Here-” Oak said, before waving his hand in front of Hiro. “-your Pokemon is now fully healed. So, off you go.”

Very confused, Zach just stared at the old bastard. “You aren’t even going to tell him off for talking about his Pokemon like that? I thought you preached love and care for your Pokemon, and your grandson just went and put it down after a close loss.”

Oak was unphazed at the accusation. “Gary is young, and a sore loser. I’m sure he’ll learn to care for his Pokemon in time. Now, off you go. I have research to take care of.”

Shaking his head out of pity for that Charmander, Zach and Hiro left without a word; and although they did not share words, they merely high-fived their epic win over Gary.[/spoiler]
Adventure 2

[spoiler=Team Stats]
[spoiler=Adventure 1]
Hiro the Bulbasaur
Lv 6
A ghetto Bulbasaur with sass and speed. No doubt a contender for being the most awesome and irreplaceable party member.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Adventure 2]
Hiro the Bulbasaur
Lv 7
A ghetto Bulbasaur with sass and speed. No doubt a contender for being the most awesome and irreplaceable party member.

[spoiler=Trainer's Handbook]
The compendium of rules and regulations all trainers must follow.

[spoiler=Pokemon Naming Rule of 32]
Due to the mass confusion caused by trainers not nicknaming their Pokemon, it has been decreed by the Pokemon League that all trainers must nickname their Pokemon.

The Pokemon League is perfectly aware that two of the same Pokemon species may have the same nickname, but the League has found that confusing two Pidgey named Birdy is much more preferable to a room full of 50 Pidgey without a nickname.[/spoiler]

[spoiler=Pokemon Nicknaming Law of 33]
After the Pokemon Naming Rule of 32, the Pokemon League has created this Law after some, rather silly incidents.

As of now, all Trainers may only nickname a Pokemon from a list of names approved by the Pokemon League, with only one silly nickname allowed. Any Trainer may only carry two lists: One for Male Pokemon & one for Female Pokemon. So there is to be no more cases of Mega Ultra Pidgey.

Addendum 33-1: Under NO circumstances will any Pokemon that learns Gust, or any other wind related move be nicknamed My Butt. For that matter, no Pokemon may be called My Butt, period.

That also applies to nicknaming a Pokemon Penis. Come on, these aren’t robots they’re living animals, show some maturity.
[spoiler=Trainer’s Handbook: Poke Center/PokeMart design]
To prevent from unfortunates incidents and mistaken identities, all Pokemon Centers and PokeMarts will be drafted from the same design plans(, with the exception of the Celadon Department Store).

Most notable signs will be roofing, where Pokemon Centers will have red roofs, and PokeMarts will have blue roofs. We understand that this may seem like an insult to the intelligence of some trainers, but due to the necessary creation of some of the more specific laws, we feel that this will be for the best.[/spoiler][/spoiler]

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  • 1 month later...

I apologize for the lack of time between this. My work drains what little life I honestly have.
[spoiler=Adventure 2]

Adventure 2: Critical Junctions

Departing from Oak Labs, Zachary and Hiro walked straight past their house, didn’t even look at it. For now, the Zachary of Pallet Town was dead. Standing with confidence was Zachary the Pokemon Trainer.

With true confidence he walked past the knee high grass separating Pallet Town from the world. “Hey there, you from Pallet Town” asked someone smoking a cigarette.

“Why yes” Zachary replied. Well, there goes Zachary the Pokemon Trainer, a whole five seconds, good job.

The man flicked away the smoke and wiped his hands on the apron he was wearing. “Thought so. You don’t have the world weary look of someone who surfed from Cinnabar. Just started the trainer thing then? Though, aren’t you a little old?”

Zachary pressed his hands to his hips. “Age has nothing to do with training. I find an older trainer can make even smarter choices than a ten year old.”

The man lit up another cigarette. “Sure, sure… Y’know, I was once a trainer like you, until I took an Spearow to the knee. Now I work minimum wage at the PokeMart with a heart full of shame. Well, good luck kid. Hope you make it big.”

“Thank you” Zachary nodded.

He and Hiro began to walk away, except-


He looked back to the PokeMart worker. Fishing through his apron pocket, he pulled out a Potion. It was flung through the air and caught by Zachary with one hand. “A free sample, for the road ahead.”

The trainer nodded, and departed. He trudged off through the knee high grass that honestly should get cut more often.

The PokeMart worker leaned on the ledge as soon as the newbie was out of sight. Snubbing his smoke underneath his shoe, he inhaled through his teeth and exhaled a cloud of smoke. “I think that kid, will make it far.”


Doodle lee doodle lee doo!

Zachary and Hiro had been attacked by a ferocious Ratata. It had snuck up behind them and roughly tackled Hiro, though the damage was low due to the grass providing excellent speed reduction.

Once the Bulbasaur balanced himself, he saw the Ratata trying for the next assault. It charged him furiously, but with quick thinking he levered himself up with his vines, causing the rat to run straight through them and missing.

Using their unusual might he flung himself at the Ratata, his head smashing it into the ground and KO’ing it for the win. The long course vines were folded smugly with triumph. “And that’s how you tackle a ho” he declared.

Zachary wasn’t really amused by that statement, but he nonetheless clapped at the success of winning his first random encounter. “Yeah, I guess so, but don’t get too cocky, there are lot’s of enemies ahead.”

Hiro shrugged with his vines. “Whatevuh. We can tag down all fools who try to strike us.”

“Maybe” Zachary muttered.

They trudged through more of the tedious long grass, and almost made it through the grass, when their path was blocked by a Pidgey. It’s beady little eyes were focused on Hiro intently. “Heh, stupid Pidgey think they gonna take me down? Fat chance” Hiro declared.

The Pidgey flapped its wings, floating a little bit off the ground, before ruashing at impossible speeds at Hiro.

*CRIT! 1 HP left!*

It had flown through his bulb and left a large hole in it. Both of them were awestruck as it landed and hopped lightly on the ground. Its rat-like eyes were focused intently on them. “BAIL!” Zachary cried.

He kicked some sand at the Pidgey and returned Hiro, dashing for their lives.

They got out of site of the devil bird and made it to Viridian. The Pidgey was confused as to where its enemy went after it tossed the sand from its head, but it merely went back to pecking at the ground for grass seeds. This of course, left it vulnerable to the Ekans that had snuck up behind it and swallowed it in one bite.

It coughed up a cloud of feathers, but felt fine to lay in the grass and digest.


“Oh s**t oh s**t oh s**t!”

Hiro was in pretty bad shape, thank Arceus the Pokemon Centers were very well decorated.

And also, thank Arceus for Viridian being almost as backwater as Pallet Town. The Nurse on staff was idly writing away at a crossword puzzle. Was being the keyword as she was interrupted by a Pokeball being slammed onto the counter. “Heal. Now. Please” he groaned.

She gave Zachary a piercing glance, but still, she took to the PokeBall and placed it on the healing machine. It beeped rhythmically as the healing energies regenerated Hiro. The device slowed and went silent.

The nurse took the ball from the device and held it in front of Zach, propping it up on three fingers. She leant on the bench and looked him deep in the eye. “You must be a newbie trainer, yes? Don’t answer, it’s kinda obvious. Let me give you some advice that will stop you from busting a vein. Pokemon get hurt, yes, this is fact. But so long as they do not get killed, we can always heal them. While it is quite alright to be concerned for their wellbeing, it doesn’t do to become completely incoherent. So, I advise you to relax a little in the Pokemon Center before you leave” she sadly calmly.

The ball extended to Zachary, and he took it. Held by his two hands, he stared at it, and went to the share, as directed by the nurse to the chair. He sat on the chair next to a kindly old gentleman.

The old man peeked out from under his hat at the young trainer. “First Pokemon huh? Yes, I imagine you would be a bit possessive over it. Though, if you plan to keep going, you should check the PCs. They’re in every Pokemon Center, and are free to use. You can access your own personal PC as well as the storage system, for when you get more Pokemon” he explained. The reason, who knows?

Zachary contemplated on this, and who knows, free internet is alright. Holstering Hiro’s ball to his belt, he went to the PC.

It was a computer installed into the wall with large clunky buttons for those of all sizes. Zachary tapped the on button, and was met with a horrifying sight.

“Ooooh, yeah. Don’t worry baby, I’m free of Krabbys.”

The PC was turned off in horror and the young trainer glared at the man. “You dirty old bastard!” he yelled.

Realizing everyone was looking at him, Zachart left, and prayed that eventually he would forget what he just saw.


Well, that was exceptionally awkward, and scarring. Hmm, with Hiro healed, now what to do? Well, Oak did neglect to give Zachary any PokeBalls, so the PokeMart would be the next port of call. According to the Trainer’s Handbook, the PokeMart would have a blue roof.

[spoiler=Trainer’s Handbook: Poke Center/PokeMart design]
To prevent from unfortunates incidents and mistaken identities, all Pokemon Centers and PokeMarts will be drafted from the same design plans(, with the exception of the Celadon Department Store).

Most notable signs will be roofing, where Pokemon Centers will have red roofs, and PokeMarts will have blue roofs. We understand that this may seem like an insult to the intelligence of some trainers, but due to the necessary creation of some of the more specific laws, we feel that this will be for the best.[/spoiler]

As he entered it, the man at the counter recognized him immediately. “Well, if it ain’t little Zachary from Pallet Town. Where’s your mother? I thought you were attached to her hip.”

Zachary frowned a little and thrust out his chest. “I’m not with her. I’m a Pokemon Trainer now, and I want to buy some PokeBalls!”

The cashier leant on the counter and pointed to a vacant spot on the wall. “Sold out kid. That Gary boy came by and bought them all up using his credit card. Arceus knows why he’d need so many, still, business is business. I’ve received some more, but they‘re still unpacking. Say, why not run an errand for me whilst you wait? It won’t take long. See, I have a package for Professor Oak, so, deliver it for me and when you get back, the PokeBalls will be restocked and you get first service. Deal?” the man said whilst bringing up said package from beneath he counter.

As much as he’d hate to go back, getting first dibs would be good. He only had 3000 Poke though, carefully reserved from his pocket money and birthday money; but it would be enough for some early reserves. He swallowed the bile he was about to throw up. “Alright, I’ll take the package to Oak.”

The man smiled as he held up a clipboard with a piece of paper on it. “Good. Now, just sign the delivery paper and we’re in business.”

Zachary made a hasty scribble and he grabbed the package. It was a small brown box, roughly a littlee bit larger than a PokeBall.

Not choosing to muse on it, he placed the item into his bag and he left. The cashier gave a megre wave whilst waiting for the Lass to finish the shopping she had spent several hours doing.


It is a well known fact that when given a fetch quest, the first thing you do is loiter the hell out of it.

Having chosen to explore Viridian, Zachary found that it was just as bland as Pallet. The only interesting thing he found was a Potion carelessly discarded, and a very grumpy old man.

He was lying on the road with his arms folded crossly, whilst his granddaughter just averted her eyes in shame. “You can’t pass here! This is private property!” the old man yelled at Zachary.

The trainer looked to the old man, and to the road beyond. There was nothing but a forest path up ahead, and it was, was this guy just senile or something?

Being a voice of reason, the granddaughter lightly guided Zachary away. “Sorry about this, he gets cranky when he hasn’t had his coffee. Sadly, the PokeMart is out because some kid bought all of the coffee stocks. They’re unloading now, but until then he’s going to be a bit unreasonable” she apologized.

Zachary clenched his fist in anger. “Gary” he whispered in frustration.

That kid was clearly going to be as annoying as hell, that was clear enough. So sadly, there was nothing else but to go home, and it had only been an hour so far. What an epic adventure.[/spoiler]

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Nice to see people posting their Nuzlockes.






I like how you're giving your Pokémon different personalities (bless bulbaswag ส็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็༼ ຈل͜ຈ༽ส้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้).

There are punctuation issues and a few spelling errors (“there are lots of enemies ahead.”), but I started thinking that it might be intentional or in a hurry. Since it's a Nuzlocke report and probably meant to entertain first and foremost.


I'm looking forward to the next Pokémon that join the team.=o

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