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[Finished]unique xyz monster summoning method contest *cancelled, please lock*

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entry fee:

none. its free!



20 points each to the top 3 entries and 1 like to each person who placed in the top 3 (see rule 2)



0. Standard contest rules apply here (duh!)

1. You must create a card that summons xyz monsters in an unusual or onorthodox way, an example would be something like this:



or this:




creativity is strongly encouraged!


2. Each entrant can any number of entries, I will take the top 3
entries and give 20 points to the owner of each 1 (if someone entered
2 of the top 3, they get 40 points and so on). Archetypes will be treated as 1 entry for the purposes of this.

3. Because of rule 4, no written cards unless you link to or post the

4. I reserve the right to print out and use any of the entries in my
created card decks decks, however, I will not claim it to be my own
invention. If your going to use yugico, its fine but just link me to the
art so that I can redo the card with a higher quality program after.

5. Nothing TOO revealing in the art. I am much more tolerant then 4kids
of this but I'd rather not have something too over the top. If you are
unsure of your art, PM me it and I'll judge it. As a rule of thumb, if it looks
like its trying to hard to be sexy over being practical/realistic then its too
much but pm me if your unsure.

6. Judging will occur on or shortly after July 5th. The last day to
enter/edit is July 4th. This is negotiable and will be extended if there are
less then 3 entrants by then.

7. You do not have to post all your cards at once, and you may edit them as
you please once they are up, just have the final versions ready by the

8. Since I don't want to throw good ideas out over OCG, I reserve the
right to correct your ocg and as we go and in the final submission (and you can
correct me right back if you have a source). This rule will not
negatively affect your score.


9. I have the right to add/edit rules


10. No pop culture cards


11. Number monsters are accepted, but if its likley that konami will make the same number at some future point, then that card most likley won't win. If your unsure about an entry, post your question in this thread.

12. To be sure that you've read all the rules, name your
favorite insert song in the yu-gi-oh anime (if you don't know the title, tell me a memorable scene where it plays)


Judging: "Winners will be hand picked by me" - Seto Kaiba

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You said it was free and that I needed to create cards, as well as a lot of other stuff.

Yes, I read them. I was simply showing you that I will partake in this contest of yours, unless you have an objection to it? Is there a reason why you didn't believe I read the rules?

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sorry if that came off as rude, I didn't mean it that way. I didn't know if you'd read them because of rule 12 that's all.


12. To be sure that you've read all the rules, name your
favorite insert song in the yu-gi-oh anime (if you don't know the title, tell me a memorable scene where it plays)


edit: I'm being a stickler about this because if I don't enforce the rules, then what happens?

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I don't know any of the Yu-Gi-Oh! Anime songs, that was the main problem...

Perhaps the end of 5D's later episodes where it shows like a diamond and the song begins, but I usually instantly go to the next episode... If it's really a problem, I don't have to join.

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