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Pokemon XY&Z

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As the TC, I'm ignoring your post edit on the grounds that it wasn't a "bump:" it was an edit.


Anyways, we haz a new preview vid of stuffs that'll be happening in the future, shame the quality is not perfect:


Mega Lucario, all the Vivillons, the Frogadier d00d, a lot of stuff is happening, including Diantha's debut (w/ Mega Gardevoir), Malamar shenanigans, Grant and Viola in the Battle Chateau and other stuffs.


EDIT (8th Jan): New episode title:

Episode 818: Chespin vs Delphox! Diet Battle!? (February 6th)


Also, this'll interest you (being american); this Saturday, Cartoon Network will play the Genesect movie at 8:30 AM followed by the half-hour Mewtwo - Prologue to Awakening prequel.

(inb4the prequel isn't shown outside the US)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ze series is back after a 3 week break... with a filler episode which saw the debut of Elegant, Continental, Garden, Icy Snow, Savannah and Sun Patterned Vivillons

...and even though it only happened in a fantasy, today's episode was the first episode to feature an on-screen evolution of a Pikachu into Raichu.

Next week we see Sylveon in action.

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