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Pokemon XY&Z

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It's probably going to be decent enough, but lower expectations on Unfezant is probably due to me reading the Smogon dex too much (right now, thing is ranked as PU). Other 'mons are at least UU-level or better (I haven't checked some of them lately; I remember some of them are OU, like Charizard-X and Tyranitar).


Let's see how this goes in the end; maybe Unfezant will be good in the battle. (Remind me if Ash's one did anything worth mentioning)

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If anything, I think we can expect Unfezant being a fall guy and tieing against Talonflame. I'm not denying that it could give Talonflame a run for its money, I don't see it doing much else in the fight.


  On 8/6/2016 at 12:53 AM, Flame Dragon said:

I'm not surprised since it REALYL stands out on his team as being pretty terrible. Like, all his other Pokemon are insanely good. But then you have Unfezant.

ikr, it sticks out like a sore thumb, a really sore thumb.

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  On 8/6/2016 at 1:17 AM, ~British Soul~ said:

If anything, I think we can expect Unfezant being a fall guy and tieing against Talonflame. I'm not denying that it could give Talonflame a run for its money, I don't see it doing much else in the fight.


ikr, it sticks out like a sore thumb, a really sore thumb.

I get that they might have wanted to give him a bird to match up with Talonflame, but Staraptor is actually just really good and would have made for a better choice.

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  On 8/6/2016 at 1:35 AM, Flame Dragon said:

I get that they might have wanted to give him a bird to match up with Talonflame, but Staraptor is actually just really good and would have made for a better choice.



Also, new titles;

Episode 935: The Shocking Zygarde VS Zygarde! The Breaking World!! (September 1st) - This one has Squishy ending up in Team Flare's clutches.

Episode 936: Attack on Lumiose Gym! The Citroid Forever!! (September 8th) - This features Clemont vs Xerosic as the former tries to take back the gym

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  On 8/8/2016 at 7:47 PM, senorchavez said:

That's a bold prediction. What brought this around?

Considering how dark the series gets at certain points, it's not that far off.


  On 8/8/2016 at 7:56 PM, ~British Soul~ said:

I can't see Bonnie get assimilated in Perfect Zygarde at all tbph. I don't see how that can even happen.

Well, when the two Zygarde merge Bonnie could be caught in the middle. Kind of like...


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Wow, the battles are going much quicker than vs Shota. Still, they're top-notch work.


What the f*ck was going on with Hawlucha? What was that red glow? I figured it might be an Ability, but none of Hawlucha's abilities make sense for that context.


Also it was sweet Hawlucha wanted to make sure Noivern was okay.


Damn, the birds fighting was intense. 


THis is the kind of power level Pikachu SHOULD be at, well-done Pokemon.


Alain goes into the next episode with damage on his only two Pokemon, meanwhile Ash has two that haven't even battled yet, so he's in good shape. He may just win.


All in all episode was great, can't wait for the finale.




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  On 8/11/2016 at 10:36 PM, Astro Dude said:

Yeah, the birds knocking out each other was surprising.

Really? Tbph that didn't surprise me at all;

  On 8/6/2016 at 1:17 AM, ~British Soul~ said:

If anything, I think we can expect Unfezant being a fall guy and tieing against Talonflame. I'm not denying that it could give Talonflame a run for its money, I don't see it doing much else in the fight.

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Really sweet battle. Watching Pikachu destroy T-Tar was something else, and his battle against Metagross really shows how strong it is. We even got a sweet moment from Hawlucha. Agree that him turning red was really weird though. The battle of the birds was also sweet since that had an awesome sense of speed to it. Over all great part one. I honestly feel like Ash might win this. I still don't think its going to happen, but holy crap it actually feels like it could. Pumped for the finale.

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On paper, Ash is in a stronger position (seeing as Goodra and Greninja haven't even battled yet and Alain's remaining 'mons have received damage), but Alain's Charizard is certainly no slouch, so it will go down to the wire. I honestly think Ash can win as well, but it could go either way.


[spoiler=Thoughts on XY130]

- I honestly don't know what was going on with the red glow on Hawlucha either. I assumed it was an ability, but none of its abilities make fit that context.

- Though I do like that it showcased more of its character; showing concern for Noivern after it fell to Weavile.

- The Talonflame/Unfezant fight was well executed, though I'm really not surprised they knocked each other out, heck I expected that to happen tbph.

- Pikachu certainly put in a lot of work in this episode, knocking out both of Alain's pseudo-legendaries.




Not gonna lie, I do see a similarity with this battle and the Ash/Paul fight in Sinnoh, though there is a difference;


- Going into the final part of the fight, Ash has 3 pokemon left, whilst Alain has 2 left. This was the case in the Ash/Paul fight as well.



- In Ash/Paul going into the final part, all of Ash's remaining 'mons had all taken damage whilst Paul had a pokemon that has received damage and a pokemon that hadn't fought yet. This is reversed in this instance, where Alain's remaining mons have received damage and Ash has a pokemon with damage and two that haven't fought yet.

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Honestly, one of the worrying things going in was how they would handle Pikachu. End of the day, it is still Ash's signature Pokemon and his partner and while Ash Greninja might be the new hotness downplaying Pikachu would have been pretty bad. Luckily, they did not and he has more than proven why he is Ash's partner.

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I agree. I think the way Pikachu was handled in this episode was one of the better aspects of this episode. Yeah it is Ash's signature 'mon and has proven its worth in the past (defeating legendaries) and like you said, whilst Ash-Greninja is the new hotness and whatnot, I do like that the writers have not decided to have it downplay Pikachu in this fight.

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[spoiler=XY130 stuff]

  • I am surprised at how easy Pikachu took down two pseudo-legendaries, but yeah it's strong enough to handle itself when needed here. Of course, we're talking the opposite in Showdown, and Pikachu would get clocked hard. 
  • Don't know why Hawlucha turned red either; I want to say that it was an ability, but none of them work here.
  • Yup, Unfezant was just Talonflame fodder (even though it was a double KO)
  • Ash still has three 'mons left (Pikachu's taken some prior damage, but yeah still doing fine for now). Alain has Charizard and Bisharp. 
  • Hmm, I would've thought Alain would save Charizard for last, but suppose he needs to step it up a notch. 




Yeah, I think Ash might actually win this, but certainly will be close (and definitely on Greninja)

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What if the reason for Hawlucha glowing red is due to its endurance, taking Weavile's attacks and getting stronger as a result.



  On 8/12/2016 at 1:08 AM, Flame Dragon said:

(honestly Pikachu rarely is the final Pokemon in Ash's league matches)

Yeah, I can think of 3 instances from the top of my head where this was the case;

- Against Tyson in Hoenn

- Against Trollbias in Sinnoh

- Against Kotetsu in Unova


EDIT: Flamey, can you merge this with the other post pls

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