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Teenage Gamer May go to Jail over a Joke on League of Legends.


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The issue is jokes like that always get take seriously, myself I could see it being a joke. It's just it was said in a very public domain.

And this guy has a point, how many comments like this are made hourly? We can't go around arresting every single person who makes a sarcastic comment on the internet. And...wouldn't hte person in question (who found the guys address) have to be arrested as well, since he would have to hack into the game to get this other kids info to have him arrested?

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So...a kid is going to go to prison for eight years because some sensitive person did everything in their power to hunt down the exact address and name of this kid? ...the hell is this world coming too? Like...what the hell? Seriously? All because of a sarcastic remark? Looks like prisons are going to get filled up really quickly.


...who wants to bunk in a jail cell with DK?! =D ...I hate society. <_<

The issue is jokes like that always get take seriously, myself I could see it being a joke. It's just it was said in a very public domain.


I also have to agree with what he said about comedians saying worse things on television...and getting paid for it. .-.

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Ugh, seriously. And I should have figured it was Texas. Their logic and critical thinking skills have always been.... well... the story speaks for itself.

I'm done with America. Done with it.


I'm going to save up my money and fly to Europe. I'm not even joking.

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This is just flat-out pathetic in my opinion. Simply pathetic, and idiotic and ridiculous. Can't these people do something better with their time than track down and jail sarcastic teenage gamers? Besides, his comment had 'lol jk' at the end of it. Hello? And jailed for eight years at that? And when he finally comes out, at age 27, he won't be able to do anything.


Now, if he actually murdered or raped someone, I'm sure we'd all agree that prison is for the best, but why condemn a harmless innocent to such a fate? It doesn't make any logical sense. Don't the police - at least - have brains? Aren't they intelligent enough to see how ridiculous this is?


I hope he gets released quickly.

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I wouldn't want him in prison even if he raped somebody. I prefer rehabilitation.

I completely support this delinquent's being punished in this way. He completely broke free speech and obviously doesn't know that threats are to be taken seriously. Especially ones that refer to past crimes that hurt our glorious America.

Obvious joking.
It certainly does go against free speech and "lol jk" is not a good way to deter, but imprisonment for eight years is making me wonder if the stocky try is often draconian in idiotic cases. All he should have been sentenced was a lecture by his mother, if they're still so adamant up until then. That would certainly be a lot fairer. A kid says something unintelligent so he gets taught how to behave again. Trying to "resocialize" a generic kid with prisoners will harden him and do the opposite. Part of why prisons as a whole are incredibly stupid and the American legal system is also garbage, but that's something else.

Anybody who interprets the law against him should be forced to look around on YouTube for an hour to look for people to pick off. Or they should just get their entire education in terms of las. Don't forget economics. Your legal system is deciding to pay at least thirty-thousand dollars a year out of your taxes (two-hundred and forty thousand dollars overall, assuming thirty-thousand a year) to make up for a comment on Facebook. Enrise had the right idea to find a new country. Preferably one with ENTIRELY different ethics in almost ALL aspects. And people who think America is the land of the free are ignorant or don't know what freedom means. It's actually a very restrictive country and is definitely a hole. Anybody American who is not too solipsistic could look at other countries and realize what their country has pride over is beaten by other countries in every positive aspect. At least I'd rather have the Canadian economy than the American one with that debt that'll never be payed off.

So the kid should not only receive a bit of parenting, but he should be sent somewhere less moronic.

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I just read the article from his video description.


Yeah, the law is taking it too far, but this idiot shouldn't be joking about shooting up schools "full of kids", or schools in general. It doesn't matter if you punctuate it with "lol" and "jk," it was in inhumanly bad taste, and people have a right to be concerned about a comment like that.


While it's said that humor has no bounds (or something like that,) think before you post something like that, because this...


"Oh yeah, I’m real messed up in the head, I’m going to go shoot up a school full of kids and eat their still, beating hearts"

...sounds pretty messed up, and moronic.
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Unable to watch the vid right now but have seen this around..

>take away/regulate guns that shoot up schools?

>Make death joke about using a gun to shoot up school?


But honestly, the "and eat their still beating hearts" should help to give away the sarcasm. the mot horrifying part for me is that from what I've read up on, it seemed like he was a bit of a social outcast. These are the kind of people we shouldn't be detaining and threatening with 8 year sentences. This won't help him and probably ruined his life.

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Unable to watch the vid right now but have seen this around..

>take away/regulate guns that shoot up schools?

>Make death joke about using a gun to shoot up school?


But honestly, the "and eat their still beating hearts" should help to give away the sarcasm. the mot horrifying part for me is that from what I've read up on, it seemed like he was a bit of a social outcast. These are the kind of people we shouldn't be detaining and threatening with 8 year sentences. This won't help him and probably ruined his life.

There was a story not too long ago about a person who joked about killing the president, next day the secret service or whoever was at their door. Anything that could be construed as terrorism, joking or not, is taken VERY seriously by the American government.

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There was a story not too long ago about a person who joked about killing the president, next day the secret service or whoever was at their door. Anything that could be construed as terrorism, joking or not, is taken VERY seriously by the American government.


The American government has a lot of screws loose and their nuts improperly adjusted.


They're debating about trivial issues while things like this happen.

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The American government has a lot of screws loose and their nuts improperly adjusted.


They're debating about trivial issues while things like these happen.

Nothing really can be done about it, government's gonna do whatever they please, because they have all the money. And it's not like we can complain about it, cause the government doesn't particularly give a damn about what the common man wants anymore.

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He's going to jail for what he said on Facebook, not over League of Legends. I just felt that distinction should be made for all those people who are all like "rawr! vidya gaemz 'cause violence!" when that's a pretty big leap there. Not that I think anyone on YCM would be like that, but... well, spreading knowledge.

On-topic: I think what he did was stupid and all, but 8 years is way excessive.

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The American government has a lot of screws loose and their nuts improperly adjusted.


They're debating about trivial issues while things like this happen.

Every country has lots of loose screws. In my opinion; you should be grateful. In Turkey the people in poverty don't have any chances to succeed with work whatsoever. In America your people have lots of opportunities, or at least more than others. It's easy to say you're sick of your country and jump ship, but if you were to actually do it... Your lack of patriotism and love for country from an outside perspective is really quite upsetting. In America you could leave your car unlocked in some areas. In Brasil, you would be considered wrong in the head to do such a thing because it is dangerous. Your country is also a lot safer statistically speaking than many places. Keep that in mind. I hope you understand what I'm getting at. 

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Every country has lots of loose screws. In my opinion; you should be grateful. In Turkey the people in poverty don't have any chances to succeed with work whatsoever. In America your people have lots of opportunities, or at least more than others. It's easy to say you're sick of your country and jump ship, but if you were to actually do it... Your lack of patriotism and love for country from an outside perspective is really quite upsetting. In America you could leave your car unlocked in some areas. In Brasil, you would be considered wrong in the head to do such a thing because it is dangerous. Your country is also a lot safer statistically speaking than many places. Keep that in mind. I hope you understand what I'm getting at. 


Living in a country that is safer, economically more stable, and that has a lot of benefits, is good yes, but that doesn't mean that when something wrong happens, people should just dismiss it because of other stuff that's good about it.

If something has room for improvement, there is no reason to not point it out regardless of how good you already are.


This is coming from someone that lives in Mexico, a country that is going through a lot of shitty political and economic issues right now.

Choosing between the US's random crazy shootings  of 20 to 30 people on schools and movie theaters, and the hundreds or regular murders from drug dealing cartels and political corruption over here, I'd hands down prefer the problems the US has. That doesn't make the lesser problem a good thing at all. It's still inhumanly bad, in fact.




Sooo yeah. 8 years is pretty stupid for what the case is, and I think it's complain-worthy.

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Every country has lots of loose screws. In my opinion; you should be grateful. In Turkey the people in poverty don't have any chances to succeed with work whatsoever. In America your people have lots of opportunities, or at least more than others. It's easy to say you're sick of your country and jump ship, but if you were to actually do it... Your lack of patriotism and love for country from an outside perspective is really quite upsetting. In America you could leave your car unlocked in some areas. In Brazil, you would be considered wrong in the head to do such a thing because it is dangerous. Your country is also a lot safer statistically speaking than many places. Keep that in mind. I hope you understand what I'm getting at. 


My people? America- rather, the U.S., as is more specific, is not where my patriotism lies. My love for a country would belong to Deutschland if anything.


And quite frankly, 'jumping ship' is not as easy as it sounds. It's quite hard for me to say I'm sick of a country overall (usually it's just tiny aspects), but when things start to go to this length of ridiculous shenanigans in the U.S. government? There are only two options concerning them: get the people out office or leave the country.

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My people? America- rather, the U.S., as is more specific, is not where my patriotism lies. My love for a country would belong to Deutschland if anything.


And quite frankly, 'jumping ship' is not as easy as it sounds. It's quite hard for me to say I'm sick of a country overall (usually it's just tiny aspects), but when things start to go to this length of ridiculous shenanigans in the U.S. government? There are only two options concerning them: get the people out office or leave the country.

Fair enough. I can't tell you where your patriotism lies or which country you feel you belong to. However, at least read what I said rather than picking out segments to create a thinly veiled argument. " It's easy to say you're sick of your country and jump ship" -- I never said the methods of doing so were easy. I went on to express my disgust towards you if you were to do it. Nothing more. 


All in all, you're spoilt. You're moaning about shenanigans while a lot of other countries are moaning about crises. Maybe you should leave Deutschland when things start to go South their, too.  

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